Monday, October 7, 2024

My Summer Recap (Conferences)

 Hey Everyone,

It's been a while since the last time I blogged. It's been one HECK of a busy summer. I hope you all had a great summer, as I have. I had the pleasure of being both the Farwest Regional AND the Midwest regional conference photographer. 

Let's start with the Fabulous Farwest regional conference, which was in May. Boy a time was had! It was in the beautiful city of Honolulu in Hawaii. It was a nice break from the heat. The only downside was I had to miss the last week of school, so I wasn't there to see my students get promoted. I did leave them a nice goodbye note. Although my darling husband wanted to join me in Hawaii, I told him that more than likely I wouldn't have any downtime since I would be capturing photos from like 6:30am until well after midnight. He usually accompanies me to Delta conferences and conventions, and I usually go with him during Alpha events. 

Since I was the sole photographer at the conference, it was vital that I was able to capture ALL events. The first time I did this, it was a bit challenging since there are multiple events going on simultaneously. The key I found is to capture a few shots an event, and sprint off to the next. I learned this from our National Photographer, Sharon Farmer!  . 

I had a wonderful time capturing memories. The planning committee did a phenomenal job with everything. From getting "laid" at the airport, all the wonderful decor, the food, festivities, and capturing it all behind my lens was wonderful. As much as I wanted to stay at the luxurious hotel on the beach, I had to make the business decision of staying at the hotel right across the street from the convention center. I must admit that I was a bit jealous that some of my chapter sorors were able enjoy the hotel, AND more importantly the beach, but taking an uber or relying on the shuttle to get me there on time for all the events just didn't see practical. I was better off, just waking up walking across the street from the hotel. The LAST day however, I was able to join my chapter sorors and I spent the entire day relaxing on the beach. After averaging 32K steps a day, just laying in the sun, and feeling the sand on my toes, and getting in the water was the PERFECT way to end the conference. 


                                   The Mighty Midwest

Fast-forward to August.......I was asked to be the photographer for the Mighty Midwest Conference. Of course I said YES! I mean I was initiated in this region, so to connect with my Ships, Prophytes, and other Sorors who I have known before I became a Delta and since I started my Delta journey. For the FW regional conference, I missed the last week of school, this time around however, I had to miss the first week of school. Also, unlike last time, I had a bit of help. I was the lead photographer and was in charge of two other sorors who were assisting me. Now, I didn't have the worries of trying to capture everything. I created a timeline of which photographer was going to cover which event which made my life SO much easier. No more getting up at 6am to cover Delta Exercises or popping in each even to grab a few photos before heading to the next event on opposite side of the convention hall. 

I had so much fun in Ohio! Being back in my home region was incredible. Connecting and RE-connecting  with Sorors the Mighty-Mighty was incredible. It was also a great time to escape the Arizona heat. It has been one HECK of a summer here in Phoenix (triple digits for more than 100 days), so escaping the heat was a heaven. Another thing that I absolutely LOVED about this conference was the theme. It was a champion theme and I loved it!


Here are a few photos of me in action! Very rarely do I take photos since I am so focus on capturing everything. I am grateful that a few sorors captured a few photos of me doing my "thang" and sending it to me. Thank you, Sorors! 

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