Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2025 Rush

 Hi Everyone,

It's been a LONNNNG time coming but it's HERE! Happy 2025 Rush! I know some of you may be feeling a lot of different emotions as rush season is now here. You probably feel nervous, anxious, scared, thrilled, happy, excited, etc....and that's all normal. My advice? Take it all in and  don't allow your emotions to take over. Just think some of the people in that room could possibly be your future line sisters and/or line brothers. The best advice I can give you is, do your best, come prepared, get to know not only the members in the room, but other people in the room as well. This takes a lot of effort on your part. Remember that although you want to stand out, you don't want to seem TOO aggressive. So, I would say READ THE ROOM! 

I can't believe that nearly TWENTY-FIVE (25) years ago, I was in your shoes. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?????? 25 years ago I was roaming on my college campus and I see it. I froze. I smile. Then I get nervous. The flyer was posted in the Union building that the chapter is having an informational. (We didn't call it rushes, but informationals). I was SO nervous. I remember running back to my dorm room, and calling one of my girlfriend's who was at Howard at the time telling her that the time has come. I was BEYOND excited. I also knew that it was time to get all my ducks in a row (pun intended).   I made a few phone calls to make sure my Delta mentor was still active and financial so I could have her on standby to write my letter, I called back home to ALL the places I volunteered in Chicago to make sure they could write me a letter of recommendation. I reached out to a few of my professors to make sure they could write me a letter of reference. Let's just say, ya girl was PREPARED! I did not want to wait until the last minute to try to gather these things since I heard that there could be a deadline for all of these things. Mind you I gathered ALL of these things no less than 24 hours AFTER seeing the flyer. Now mind you, I didn't get these things until AFTER the rush, however I wanted to make everyone aware that I would need these letters soon. 

I can't believe that was I will be celebrating my 25th year in my organization and I have never been so happy to be a part of what I feel is the greatest sorority on earth. But I am sure ALL of my fellow greek sistas' feel the same way about their org. If you don't then something is wrong with you! LOL!!!! 

So good luck to everyone out there. I truly hope you have a wonderful time a rush, and as much as I want to tell you to not  be nervous, and take it in, as someone who has been there before I just won't. Just take it all in and enjoy the process. 

Ciao for now and good luck to all of you! 

Happy 2025 Everyone!!!!


I know it's been a while, but ya gal has been REALLY busy! I can't believe it's 2025 already! Wow, where has the time gone? I don't know about you, but I am thrilled to see all that 2025 will offer. I have always treasured each new year because it means new beginnings. A fresh start. 2024 has been a trying year for me due to unexpected health challenges,,,,but GOD!

 I have so many goals this year. Now that my health is back in check, (Thank you Lord), I am able to work out again. I use to be a gym rat, and I am looking forward to getting back to that. So far, I have worked out every day this year thus far which is a first for me in almost 2 years. I finally got the clearance from my doctor and I am beyond grateful that I am back where I need to be in terms of my health.

It's only the 28th of January, and I have already shot 4 weddings. I am beyond blessed because some of my fellow photography friends are struggling with booking clients. I am beyond thankful to be booked and busy because  capturing love behind my lens has been truly a joy for me.  

I went home to celebrate Christmas with my family which was a joy. While I was there, I was able to catch up with my High School besties, De Anna and Milauna. They are both EXCELLENT actors and writers in the industry, so meeting up with them was one of thee BEST highlights of my trip. We all went Curie Metropolitan High School of Performing Arts and I thankfully ALL of us is still in the arts perfecting our crafts. 

Here is a throwback from when we were still in High School, I'm in the middle! :) 

We had an amazing time together, and I am SO grateful for their love, support and more importantly their friendship. Speaking of which Milauna (on the left) was just in the film The Triple Six Eight and if you haven't check it out PLEASE DO! She played Captain Campbell, (Kerry Washington's right-hand woman). I am SO proud of her and all of her MANY accomplishments! My Girl De Anna is killing the game right now and is currently in Raisin in the Sun in Chicago. I am just glad we ALL are doing our thang in terms of still staying true to ourselves and remaining in the Arts. 

Because of my busy schedule with school, performances, shooting weddings and events, I have been waaaay behind with blogging. I know rush season is now upon us, and my next post will be all about rush. Speaking of which, how are the neophytes doing out there? I would love to hear from you now that you are on the other side. Was it everything you want and more, or not? It's one thing to be on one side and it's completely different when you cross over you get to see the "other" side of things. As I stated before now the REAL work begins. And it's a LOT of work. TRUST ME! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy every bit of it. 

Well that's all for now. 

My next post will be about 2025 Rush, so stay tuned! 

Monday, October 7, 2024

My Summer Recap (Conferences)

 Hey Everyone,

It's been a while since the last time I blogged. It's been one HECK of a busy summer. I hope you all had a great summer, as I have. I had the pleasure of being both the Farwest Regional AND the Midwest regional conference photographer. 

Let's start with the Fabulous Farwest regional conference, which was in May. Boy a time was had! It was in the beautiful city of Honolulu in Hawaii. It was a nice break from the heat. The only downside was I had to miss the last week of school, so I wasn't there to see my students get promoted. I did leave them a nice goodbye note. Although my darling husband wanted to join me in Hawaii, I told him that more than likely I wouldn't have any downtime since I would be capturing photos from like 6:30am until well after midnight. He usually accompanies me to Delta conferences and conventions, and I usually go with him during Alpha events. 

Since I was the sole photographer at the conference, it was vital that I was able to capture ALL events. The first time I did this, it was a bit challenging since there are multiple events going on simultaneously. The key I found is to capture a few shots an event, and sprint off to the next. I learned this from our National Photographer, Sharon Farmer!  . 

I had a wonderful time capturing memories. The planning committee did a phenomenal job with everything. From getting "laid" at the airport, all the wonderful decor, the food, festivities, and capturing it all behind my lens was wonderful. As much as I wanted to stay at the luxurious hotel on the beach, I had to make the business decision of staying at the hotel right across the street from the convention center. I must admit that I was a bit jealous that some of my chapter sorors were able enjoy the hotel, AND more importantly the beach, but taking an uber or relying on the shuttle to get me there on time for all the events just didn't see practical. I was better off, just waking up walking across the street from the hotel. The LAST day however, I was able to join my chapter sorors and I spent the entire day relaxing on the beach. After averaging 32K steps a day, just laying in the sun, and feeling the sand on my toes, and getting in the water was the PERFECT way to end the conference. 


                                   The Mighty Midwest

Fast-forward to August.......I was asked to be the photographer for the Mighty Midwest Conference. Of course I said YES! I mean I was initiated in this region, so to connect with my Ships, Prophytes, and other Sorors who I have known before I became a Delta and since I started my Delta journey. For the FW regional conference, I missed the last week of school, this time around however, I had to miss the first week of school. Also, unlike last time, I had a bit of help. I was the lead photographer and was in charge of two other sorors who were assisting me. Now, I didn't have the worries of trying to capture everything. I created a timeline of which photographer was going to cover which event which made my life SO much easier. No more getting up at 6am to cover Delta Exercises or popping in each even to grab a few photos before heading to the next event on opposite side of the convention hall. 

I had so much fun in Ohio! Being back in my home region was incredible. Connecting and RE-connecting  with Sorors the Mighty-Mighty was incredible. It was also a great time to escape the Arizona heat. It has been one HECK of a summer here in Phoenix (triple digits for more than 100 days), so escaping the heat was a heaven. Another thing that I absolutely LOVED about this conference was the theme. It was a champion theme and I loved it!


Here are a few photos of me in action! Very rarely do I take photos since I am so focus on capturing everything. I am grateful that a few sorors captured a few photos of me doing my "thang" and sending it to me. Thank you, Sorors! 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Happy Fall Semester 2024!

Hello Everyone!

I can't believe it's about to be fall! Where has the time gone? Just checking in to see how you all are doing out there. To my freshmen out there, how's it your first few months of college been? Hopefully, things have a been going great. I know it's probably been an adjustment. No one to wake you up for classes, or tell you to GO to class for that matter. I remember my first semester of college. It was definitely a "Different World," (pun intended). I loved every part of it. The freedom and independence was a blessing AND a curse. I missed mama's cooking, washing my clothes, and just loving on me, but I LOVED my freedom. The best advise I can give you is ENJOY this time. This should be THEE best time of your life. Trust me, adulting is NOT ALL THAT!

To those of you that are brand new to learning about the greek life experience, I would recommend that you check them ALL out. Attend ALL events. Of course, I you should do your research, (Google & Youtube should be your best friend), however check out the chapters on campus. See what greek life is all about. It's more than just strolling, strutting, step shows, calls,  & letters. The Greek life experience is all about making connections, networking and making life-long friendships. 

So what's the first time step with getting know the members of greek life? Join other RSOs on campus. (Registered Student Organization). Student Government, Back Student Union, Music Organizations (Kappa Kappa Psi, Sigma Alpha Iota, Phi Mu Alpha), Community Service Orgs (Alpha Phi Omega), etc. More than likely, you will connect with other D9 members that are also members. 

I would love to hear from you all to see how your semester is going. Fall Rush/Information is probably going on as well. I hope my past posts were helpful in terms of the do's and don'ts to prepare you all for it. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Fall Semester! Here's to ALL of of those "A's"

Ciao for now,


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2024 Rush

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. Spring Rush season is here, and typically, this blog gets REALLY busy this time of year. Speaking of which......

You can't believe it's finally here, RUSH! Your adrenaline is running high; you have been waiting for this moment forever and can't believe it's finally happening. I always tell people to STAY ready, so you don't have to GET ready. Rush is such a wonderful yet stressful time for all prospective members. You wonder if you did enough to get noticed, you're hopeful that your college transcript will arrive in time, and you contact another member of the org of your choice, hoping (and praying) that they will write you a letter of recommendation. 

If you are a person hoping to gain membership this year, then hopefully, you have done your research, made sure that all of your ducks are in a row, and are just waiting and hopeful for the chapter of your choice to have membership intake. 

If the chapter of your choice does NOT have membership intake this year, I strongly recommend that you continue connecting with the chapter by attending various events. Volunteer for multiple programs, and more importantly, get to know the members.  I was advised against doing this right at the time you find out the chapter of your choosing is hosting a rush. As members, we want to see that you have a passion for working in the community and that you have proof of doing so for several years prior to attending Rush. 

Good luck to all of you and remember, YOU GOT THIS!

Monday, January 8, 2024

Happy 2024 Everyone!!!!

 Happy New Year, Sorors, Sistergreeks, Friends, and Aspiring members!

I pray you all had a wonderful holiday season. I know I did! I went home for the holidays to Chi-Town and spend time with my family. I can't believe it's Rush season again. I wanted to wish you all the best during this stressful time.

Don't stress or fret (like that's gonna happen, duh)...But in all seriousness, if you have read my previous posts, you already have the tools to guide you for Rush. Come dressed to impress, do your research, and hopefully, by now, you have made a personal connection with a few chapter members you hope to join. Remember, depending on the organization you are trying to join, some require a majority vote, so even if you have the highest GPA, the bomb community service, or a stellar recommendation, you must convince more than half the chapter to VOTE for you! And if you don't get it this time, you can always try again. 

Wishing you all the best in 2024


Monday, July 10, 2023

Gearing up for National Convention

 🎵 I'm going back to Indiana......Indiana, here I come!🎵

Call all SORORS to the floor: As I am gearing up to attend the 56th National Convention, I am thrilled to amid 20k sorors. I am ready to connect with sorors from my undergrad chapter, kick it with my current chapter sorors, and meet and connect with Sorors from around the globe. If this is your FIRST national convention, take it ALL IN! I remember my 1st National Convention. I was blessed that it was in my hometown, so I didn't have to travel (Chicago). Although I was fresh off the sands, I was elected president of my undergrad chapter, which also meant that I was the delegate for our chapter. Although I was there to handle business on behalf of my chapter, I kicked it hard too. Although the convention was held in my hometown, my chapter paid for me and my ship (the alternate delegate) to stay downtown at one of the hotels. Attending my 1st National Convention was one of my best Delta Experiences. I left with many new friends. I was ready to lead my chapter the following fall semester.

For those planning to attend your 1st Convention, Conclave, Boule, etc...TAKE IT ALL IN!!!! You will initially feel a bit overwhelmed, but you will get used to it and blend in after a while. Attend as many business sessions as possible, have fun, take photos and videos, and connect with as many of your sorors/fraternity members as possible. In terms of shopping at the vendors...my advice? Don't buy ANYTHING until you have shopped around. You need to find out how often that cute shirt, bracelet, or jacket was a bit cheaper at a different booth. 

After 20 years, I hardly EVER shop at the vendors. Now, I go there to capture photos and videos. If I do shop there, usually I go on the last day. Why??? Most vendors do not want to ship their merchandise back home; they put everything on sale/clearance. The only exception I make to this rule is while I am there to capture photos, I come across a one-of-a-kind item that I LOVE! 

I leave for Indiana the following Monday, and the worst part for me? PACKING!!! Oh, do I HATE packing....so I will be a little better this year by packing little by little each day so I won't forget anything. 

I look forward to being on Photography duty to capture as many photos as possible as the Farwest regional photographer. So if you are an avid blog reader and come across me taking photos, please stop by to say hi! I LOVE meeting new sorors who are readers of my blog. 

To those of you that will be traveling to attend your Convention, Conclave, Boule, etc....SAFE TRAVELS!