Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2024 Rush

Hey Everyone!

I just wanted to check in to see how everyone is doing. Spring Rush season is here, and typically, this blog gets REALLY busy this time of year. Speaking of which......

You can't believe it's finally here, RUSH! Your adrenaline is running high; you have been waiting for this moment forever and can't believe it's finally happening. I always tell people to STAY ready, so you don't have to GET ready. Rush is such a wonderful yet stressful time for all prospective members. You wonder if you did enough to get noticed, you're hopeful that your college transcript will arrive in time, and you contact another member of the org of your choice, hoping (and praying) that they will write you a letter of recommendation. 

If you are a person hoping to gain membership this year, then hopefully, you have done your research, made sure that all of your ducks are in a row, and are just waiting and hopeful for the chapter of your choice to have membership intake. 

If the chapter of your choice does NOT have membership intake this year, I strongly recommend that you continue connecting with the chapter by attending various events. Volunteer for multiple programs, and more importantly, get to know the members.  I was advised against doing this right at the time you find out the chapter of your choosing is hosting a rush. As members, we want to see that you have a passion for working in the community and that you have proof of doing so for several years prior to attending Rush. 

Good luck to all of you and remember, YOU GOT THIS!


  1. I’m truly excited that this season has rolled around again! Last year, I used this blog to help me get through and to calm my brain while I struggled through my application process. This year, I am PROUD to say I have been a member of my beloved DST for 9 months!!!! Good luck everyone. Trust the process and may the odds be ever in your favor<3

  2. I'm attending mine Sunday afternoon. :-D

    1. What area are you in, if you dont mind me asking?

    2. Ok I thought so. So am I. Goodluck with everything

  3. Thank you. I attended rush 1/13 and just submitted my application before the deadline. This is my second attempt at Grad Chapter in my area. The last line was 10 years ago.

    1. Good luck on getting an interview!

    2. I also attended one on 1/13 with over 1200 attendees. Applications were due on 1/23

    3. The Rush I attended also had over 1200 ladies. I submitted my application yesterday morning. Good luck to you, and I hope you get the interview.

  4. Hi i want to join a organization but i have a 2.84 and a few d on my transcript is this bad

  5. I have a 2.84 but a fee d on my transcript is this bad ?

  6. I'm attending on 1/27. Super excited.

  7. I attended Rush for Los Angeles Alumnae on 1.12 apps are due today 1/22. I submitted my app yesterday after reviewing it 100 times,and having the Delta who provided my letter review it one more time. Now the first wait begins.

    1. Best wishes! Still waiting on my chapter of interest to send out Rush information lol

    2. I’m close to you. I attended grad chapter rush in inland valley on 1/13 apps were due today 1/23. I turned mine in yesterday after going over it 100 times too!

    3. Best of luck to you.

    4. The greater Los Angeles area is busy I see. Good luck everyone!

    5. Correction, seems like the entire state of California is busy this rush season!

  8. Hi ! Can anyone speak to the residency criteria/proof of residency requirements for Alumnae Chapters?

    1. These specifics are on their national website and they provide further clarification at rush

  9. What do I need to bring to Rush for an alumnae chapter?

  10. Bring your government-issued ID and something to take notes with.

    1. @746pm thanks for mentioning something to take notes with, I use my phone to take notes so I forgot to mention that.

  11. I'm waiting for the call for the interview, this is my second time trying with a grad chapter. I moved because of my job so this is also a new chapter. So nervous.

    1. Hello, I am attending rush this weekend in a new area as well. Have you been very active in your new area? I am active in the community but not with the chapter itself since I just moved to their area in September

  12. What is the proper way to report community service hours? Is there more than one way to report the hours, as long as it’s for the correct time frame?

    1. @1235am I may be extra but my hours were notated using a spreadsheet. Hope that helps.

    2. The become a member section of the national website has the acceptable formats. They will also explain that at rush.

  13. Any information on East Kings County Alumnae rush in Brooklyn, NY ?

    1. Is Rush expected for EKC? BK is having Rush.

    2. I haven't seen anything for EKC, only BKAC.

  14. Hi! Hoping you ladies can help ease my mind. I just applied for grad chapter and looked over my app 100x but I think I made a mistake by not inputting any certifications. I’m not sure how I would even have put n/a in the certification spot. Now I’m over here beating myself up because I know the app was prefect. This is a grad chapter I’ve networked with and gone to their events and I know a few personally. Do you think I hurt my chances? Has anyone else experienced doing something like this and still made it through? Thanks in advance ladies!

  15. Hello, anyone have any new on Alumnae rush on the east coast? It seemed like they all happened last year but not sure.

    1. I know of 4 in VA right now and that’s just the ones I know about.

  16. What’s the average time a chapter waits to have another line on the alumnae level?

    1. It could be anywhere from 3 - 10 years. Try to find a pattern on the intake lines for alumnae chapters. I know because of covid the pattern may vary but also do your research.

    2. That depends. In my area it seems to be every 5 years or so. I’m in VA

    3. Depends on the area. Some have intake every 4 years, others are more like 8-15 years (unfortunately).

  17. Any rushes for alumnae chapters in five boroughs of New York ?

    1. Yes. BK is this Saturday. I believe Queens too. Please look for the Rush flyers. New York Alumnae has already held theirs.

  18. Anyone attending rush in RVA this weekend?

  19. Make sure you're checking their website and IG account, if they have one. I hear Facebook isn't supposed to be used. Weird on the one I just attended is a lot of women were upset they didn't know about rush because it wasn't posted on FB. It was in the other two places but they didn't look there.

    1. Agreed. I'm seeing several on IG. The few I saw on FB were pulled from an IG feed.

  20. I am planning to attend rush this weekend in an area I just moved to this past September. I have been active with another chapter where I previously resided. I am active in the metropolitan area but not with the chapter itself since it’s located to the suburban area I just moved. I am second guessing if I should even attend rush this weekend? Even with a perfect application and perfect interview am I really pushing the envelope on qualifications because I have not attended their events ?

    1. Same situation here. The chapter that I've been attending events decided they were no longer having a spring. I'm also in the service area of the chapter having rush this weekend but I have been to none of their events. I am definitely second guessing also. However, some of my friends who are members of other chapters encouraged me to go. So I am leaning towards going.

    2. @721pm yes go for sure.

    3. Go! Don’t count yourself out if you haven’t tried. I was in a similar situation with another chapter I actively attended events for; they aren’t doing rush and another chapter did. I was encouraged by women I’m close to in the org to go and not wait around for the other. Good luck to you both :)

    4. Thank you all for the positive responses. I think I will attend and follow up on the post.

    5. Definitely go! Intake doesn't happen very often. I've seen people go to two events and make line and others put in lots of work and not make it. Given residency requirements you have to get in where you fit in. Good luck!

    6. @559pm, did you attend the Rush?

    7. I did attend rush and I am working on my application. I attended where I am from in 2019 and there are definitely some changes so I want to make sure I have everything done correctly. I am still super nervous about the residency requirements but I would rather be turned down to not know if I would be.

  21. Question, I must have a minimum of 25 community service hours for the organization I’m interested in and I have 41. Some people I’ve confided in are saying I need have more to “stand out”, would that be true to you? Do I risk not being offered an interview at all or accepted because I have supposedly few hours?

    1. @8:50pm The minimum is 125 hours of community service over the past 2 years.

    2. More is always better, but you've met the requirements so you've done your part. I wouldn't stress about it. If they like you, they may overlook it. Good luck.

    3. @11:14PM I think she's pursuing a different organization or level.

    4. For DST, 25 hours is the minimum for collegiate within 9 months and alumnae is 120 hours within 2 years prior to rush. If that's the org she's referring too.

  22. I attended rush on 1/13 and applications were due on 1/23. I submitted mine on 1/21 and I’d love to have this. My mom is a delta but due to health issues last year didn’t attend any conventions so I couldn’t use legacy, which is fine. My mentor is also a delta and has been for over 27years and has chapter president (not for the one I applied to) and many other positions. I went over my app 100x. I’m just patiently waiting for an interview call. I’m hoping that I get one. The wait is brutal. Literally been walking around with my phone in my hand. Lol

    1. Yep! Fingers crossed across the board!

    2. What area? Maybe we were at the same on

    3. @ anonymous 1/26 @6:05. In Jax

    4. I was at the same one as well

    5. How are you feeling about? I don’t know anyone from the chapter so I have no real information on how many people or when they will call for interviews. If they don’t deem you application complete do they send an email or letter. It’s all so much lol

    6. I attended that one too. Good luck ladies.

    7. Im pretty nervous seeing 1200+ there. I feel good about my application. I also do not know many people in the chapter. Usually they will call for interview and maybe even email declines….

    8. Following for updates on 1/13 rush with 1/23 due dates

  23. Good luck everyone!!!

  24. Hi everyone I have a question. I just recently lost my grandfather and just now found a chapter in my community. It has been my dream to be a delta and the chapter in my community have a rush in a couple of days. I have done community service but do not know any deltas at all. I am terrified of attending but I don’t want them to overlook me for not attending any events. I have the qualifications and the gpa and also in school for my masters and will be done this May of 2024. What should I do for finding letters of recommendation for financial and community service?

  25. Albany NY rushees 👀

  26. @245pm For the recommendation letter I would suggest reaching out to professors coworkers and even the agency where you are completing your community service. You never know who is a member of the organization you are interested. In.

  27. Could a degree verification work in lieu of a transcript ?

    1. @709pm I'm not sure, they are pretty specific about receiving a transcript.

    2. Email the intake team and ask.

    3. No , transcript is indeed required

  28. attended my undergrad rush this week and i’ve been sooo nervous looking over my application making sure there are no imperfections. i’ll be here frequently updating about my wait and journey!

  29. So our meeting was last Sunday and the deadline was 1/26 the lady who was writing my letter didn’t send me her membership of verification on time but I’m still gonna send it in. Ik it’s a slim to none I may not get pick but is there still an exception? Also early congratulations to everyone! If I don’t make it I’ll try an alumnae chapter

    1. @2:15am
      Hey love, if you’re submitting AFTER deadline and there is no verification with your delta letter, I don’t think they will consider your application at all. Stay encouraged and def try for a grad chapter. You got this!

    2. If you do not have everything by the deadline, your packet will be declined. They are strict with times and due dates.

  30. Rush is later today and although I won’t be applying this go round due to my current address not being on my license. Should I still go and see what is about or not bother going if I know I’m not applying right now?

  31. Good luck to all ladies going through intake this season. I was in your shoes less than 10 years ago and after 2 previous failed attempts with other chapters (100% my fault), I was super nervous to apply again. Not to mention that I had stopped attending events after the failure. The chapter didn't "know" me. However, somehow I stood out and have been super active ever since.

    Time has finally flipped and we are having intake now. So much behind the scenes work that you don't even imagine. I can understand why Alumnae chapters go several years between.

    1. It's interesting to hear this perspective. I've always thought, wouldn't it be easier if you held intake more often, less applications, shorter lines, etc. Thanks for sharing the other side.

    2. To answer your question, you would think less applications but all of those women that didn't make it the last time would be back again lol. Plus the reviewing applications and interview section is just 1 part of the intake process. You still have to consider the time it takes to plan and execute the actual program once the ladies are selected.

      Finally, you have to remember that Alumnae chapters don't have need to increase their membership as often. We often look to reclaim the existing members as opposed to bringing in more and more new members.

  32. I tried 3 times (twice in college) and followed this blog all 3 times. It was a godsend and helped me a ton. I finally made it and as Anon-7:10 AM said, it's totally different on the other side. Going through thousands of applications, and doing hundreds of interviews is a labor of love.

    We are going through the process now, and let me just say for those of you who are applying, double, triple and quadruple check your application before submitting. Make sure your letter writer gives you your letter of rec ON TIME. You don't want a tiny mistake or mishap to happen which can disqualify you from being granted an interview.

    Good luck to all!

    1. Thank you. I submitted an app last week, due today. Crossing my fingers to hear from them soon for an interview. This would be my third time applying (once in college, once in grad).

    2. Does the membership intake team call to verify information written on service and recommendation letters? Or do they just accept the letters as verification?

  33. Attended Rush today, Los of information provided but a lot of the info is online. This was an Alumnae Chapter and it looks like they no longer disclose the line cap. Apps due on 2.7 so I'm hoping to hear something by the end of the month.

    1. Savannah Alumnae by any chance?

  34. Any news from any applicants for LA Alumnae? Calls for interviews yet?

    1. nothing yet! I’ve impatiently been waiting by the phone & mailbox to hear something. Another person I talked to said no one they know has heard anything either.

  35. Same, attended rush 1/28 with packet due 2/7. Many attendees.

    1. Where did you attend if you don’t mind sharing ? I have the same dates

  36. @601p I thought the Rush was a good one, this is my second attempt and yes there were a lot of women there. I thought they gave a lot of information, there were a lot of questions especially about residency. I'm taking my time with my application. Good luck to you.

  37. I recently had my interview but I was asked for my dorm address a few days after, so I think they’re going to send a letter but I’ve read that the acceptance is in the form of a call, so does this mean i’m getting rejected?

  38. @10:01pm yes many residency questions and a lot of info. I definitely will be taking a lot of time to review and re-review my application. My main concern is something being missed in either letter. They stressed those common application mistakes. Good luck to you as well. This is my first attempt. I was too shy before but found some boldness this time after following this blog for some years and meeting some wonderful ladies. Cannot be afraid to go for what we want. Praying for good outcomes.

    1. @425am. EXACTLY!! If we don't go for it the answer is always no.I am going to take my time. This is my second time trying. Sending positive vibes to you, make sure you print out your application and have a couple of people go over it. I know when I try to proof my own work I sometimes see what's supposed to be there and not what's actually there, if that makes sense. Best of luck!

  39. Attended Rush this past Sunday. Started working on gathering all the components to submit my application. Everyone is stressing the importance of not making any errors on the application. That’s all I dreamed about last night. Making sure all my T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted.

  40. If you don't mind me asking....did they give you a reason as to why you were not selected last time? And what reason did they give?

  41. If my transcript is unofficial, is my application incomplete?

    1. @958pm. Yes it would be considered incomplete

    2. Yes. It was be an OFFICIAL transcript.

  42. @anon Jan 29 11:01, so applications go through the chapter versus directly to nationals?

    1. There are multiple levels of approval. You are applying to a chapter though. They facilitate everything. And at the end of the day, they hold the vote.

  43. I know the author of this blog is a member of DST, but I am curious, are all the people hoping to gain members going out for Delta only, or are there other prospective members of other orgs here as well? I am going out for Alpha Kappa Alpha.....

    1. No, there are people hoping to gain membership in multiple orgs here. What I love about this blog is the author makes generalization posts that can apply to all orgs, including fraternities. I also gain a lot of knowledge from the people who comment as well.

      I am also hoping to become a member of AKA. It would be wonderful if we were both invited together, we would be sands which would be so cool. Wishing you all the best.

    2. Just popping in to say that I am hoping to gain membership into Zeta Phi Beta......Although most people here are hoping to gain membership into DST, there are quite a few folks in here hoping to gain memberships in other orgs. This blog has helped me a ton!

  44. Wanted to apply to DST but I've done over 25 hours of service in 11 months but not in the last 9 with my main org - my application would just be rejected right away. I've attended several DST events on campus, have a 4.06 GPA and 2 campus leadership positions, did a health equity internship and work on an undergrad health disparities journal, but I know my application won't be accepted because I'm two months off from the minimum and people get rejected for much smaller issues with their applications. Sad about it, but hoping I can find more and come back next year stronger when I'm a junior. My mom (I'm a legacy) is trying to get me to still apply despite the issue, but I don't think its worth it without the minimum. Any advice??

  45. Are most interviews held on zoom now or in person? Anyone know?

    1. @4:45am…That’s a good question! Since they are conducting interest meetings face 2 face, I would assume the interviews may be the same. It seems they a moving away from their COVID distancing practices…in my opinion!

    2. Likely depends on the chapter as some Rush events were on zoom. I would imagine some are still doing everything virtually for multiple reasons.

    3. We were told ours will be in person. The chapter I got an interview with last year was via Zoom.

  46. Good morning! I'm completing my packet for alumnae and have an advanced degree. Do I need to put my undergrad information in as well, or just advanced degree? Thanks!

    1. I put the immediate, previous degree in the second spot. Mine happened to be another Master's but I would have put my Bachelor's there if not for that. As long as you submit the transcript for the highest degree you completed, you should be fine.

  47. @8:44am….On the application all college education should be entered. But you only need your official transcript for the highest degree earned.

  48. Rush was in person. Interviews were via zoom for us. I guess zoom allows for a better flow for a high volume of interviews...more interviews can be held a day. It allows for chapter members to join also and see who's being Interviewed to prepare for the chapter vote.

  49. Any information on when was east kings county alumnae’s last line ? I believe it was 2013 but I’m not sure

    1. Yes, they've only had 1 line and it was in 2013

  50. Checking up on L.A. Alumnae anybody get a call for an interview yet?

  51. Brooklyn alumnae last line was 2013. What other year did they have a line ? I know there was on in 84 and 87. I’m just trying to see if there is a pattern.

    1. I believe they had one in 93 as well. Someone mentioned on another platform that they usually have lines about every 5-6 years, but 2013 to now has been the longest without a line.

  52. If i have the community service hours but not the gpa. Could i still apply for alumnae ? No it has not been ten years since i have graduated. I’m not sure when there will be another line.

    1. I cannot speak for any other organization but for DST if you do not have the GPA, it has not been 10+ years OR you do not have an advanced degree, you will immediately be denied.

    2. @717p it has to be 10 years or you have a masters or higher. Your application will not be processed.

  53. Hey everyone! I attended rush for DST on 1/17 with applications due 1/27. When should I expect a call or rejection letter?

    1. It could take between 3-4 weeks minimum for a call for an interview on the alum side. Keep yourself busy during this wait :)

    2. It was for collegiate!

  54. Going to an aka luncheon. Is it frowned upon to wear sparkly silver shoes? I bought them to bring some dazzle with my black dress and silver earrings but it just dawned on me they will be highlighting silver members and I don’t want to come off disrespectful

    1. I was cautioned about being as neutral as possible. I would wear black shoes, personally. But honestly, I don’t think it should matter.

  55. How are you all finding out the linage of a chapter ?

  56. Good luck everyone! I’m excited and anxious about this process.

    Attended Rush 1/21
    Submitted app 1/28 (due 1/31)
    Interview Notification: I’m thinking around 2/14 (not speaking rejection notice into existence)
    Offered membership: I’m thinking this will probably happen in mid-March according to previous post’s timelines.

    I’ll keep this post updated as much as I can. Fingers crossed it’s all good news! I checked that app a million times before submitting it!

  57. I had my interview last week, and I’m worried that I was rejected. I haven’t heard anything and there has been no communication whatsoever.

    1. @4:31pm It could be that there were a lot of interviewees to go through. What are your Rush, Application and Interview call details/dates?

    2. @4:31, keep in mind they need to interview a lot of people and take a chapter vote before moving forward. A week doesn't seem that long. Good luck.

  58. Hello! I was so thrilled to see that my local chapter was having intake this year. This was my second application cycle. I was rejected before interview last time. This time, I have been ridiculously active with the chapter - attending events and also volunteering - to the point that a couple chapter members informed me about the rush. That seemed like a good sign to me!
    The chapter is newer and this is only their 3rd time having intake.

    Application was due on the 24th so I’m currently playing the waiting game! I am wishing you all the best!

  59. Hello ladies, just checking in to see if anyone heard about any Alumnae rushes in PA?

    1. Pittsburgh had one on the 9th and applications due 19th. Not if interview calls have been made / letters sent out.

    2. The only PA alumnae chapters having intake this year are East Pocono and Pittsburgh.

  60. Hi All!

    For those who have been through this process before, do you recall what time you received calls for interviews/offer for membership? My phone will be glued to my hip and I will be prayerfully waiting a call but was wondering if calls are ever made during the work day or evenings or weekends?

    Prayers to all of us going through this process!

    1. When I tried for alumnae chapter a few years ago, it took about 2 weeks to get called for an interview. The chapter vote happened within 2 weeks. But I'm sure other chapters could take longer. I didn't make it so I don't know when they made acceptance calls. Keep in mind, after the vote it still needs to go to the regional director. At least that used to be the case.

    2. There is no set time to expect the call, you just have to continue your regular routine and answer all unknown numbers. Previous posts have mentioned some chapters will leave a voicemail. It’s hard but you have to be patient. :)

  61. Has anyone heard anything from LA Alumnae, apps were due on 1.22.

  62. Does anyone know what of day we should expect phone calls? Praying that I will get the call but terrified that I will be doing something at work and miss it.

    1. Don't worry about what time it will happen. Just make sure that your voice-mail is open. You should also receive an email. My 1st time, it was during work hours. Lasr time (different chapter) it was like 9 pm.

  63. I attended a rush for DST but it was for collegiate. Its been a week since applications were due. Is it safe to say I didn't make it?

  64. I attended a rush for DST but it was for collegiate. Its been a week since applications were due. Is it safe to say I didn't make it?

    1. Just be patient. At worst bet, you will receive an email if you are denied.

  65. My community service letter came from a company I volunteered for and not a non-profit. I'm trying to pledge DST.....will I get denied for it?

    1. This would have been a good question to ask at the rush or to the member who wrote your recommendation. The site gives a lot of detail about the type of service that is or isn't acceptable. I would review that to see if you're okay.

    2. @439pm no you will not be denied solely because the community service is not completed with a non profit.

    3. The application states the acceptable community service hours that your LOR can be submitted for. As long as the hours and timeframe meet their requirements, you should be fine. The others parts of your application will go into consideration as well. Breathe. :)

    4. Mine came from a company as well and not a non profit one. I didn’t see where it says that is an issue.

    5. My service was not through a non-profit and I crossed SPR23 for DST. So you will be fine as long as your letter is written correctly.

    6. There is no rule that says it must be a non-profit. It will depend on what type of work that you did in that volunteer role. The instructions gave great examples of acceptable and unacceptable types. Good luck!

  66. I am having trouble obtaining my public service letter but I also participate in my church’s outreach ministry as well as our certified recovery community that addresses addiction and mental illness. These services are available for the needs of the community so according to the packet would qualify as community service. I used these in 2019 and was told it should have been done with another church that was not my own so my application was disqualified. Ultimately the entire line was cancelled. Does anyone have any thoughts on this possibly happening again or if this was even true ? I volunteer with two other agencies one is a volunteer organization that is on the list that cannot be used due to volunteer work being a part of the membership and the other I am having an issue with getting the letter on time.

    1. The one that is part of membership, is it required to retain membership, e.g. to be president you have to do XX number of hours.

      As far as church, you should be ok if it's your own church. Just ad long as it's something that helps the community and not self-serving to the church membership only.

  67. I just found out that my rush had over 600 applications and choosing less than 150. How do they even decide? How do they break it down? That’s a lot of applications to come through to decide who will get an interview! 😩

    1. @8:12pm….Which chapter, if you don’t mind sharing?

    2. @ Feb 3, 8:12 PM Do you mean they will only interview 150 or is that the line cap? I thought everyone who qualified and didn’t make mistakes on the application was granted an interview

    3. Not all women who show up to Rush will apply. They won't have the GPA, hours of service, live in service area, or know a financial member. Another portion will apply but have their application denied due to errors or missing required documentation/requirements. From there, everyone who has a completed application will get an interview. After the interview, it all comes down to a chapter vote.

    4. @Feb 3, 9:51pm They’re picking less than 150. Not sure how many they’re interviewing but someone close I know that’s a delta said that would take forever to interview which makes more sense to me. Imagine the chapters with 800 fully complete applications. I don’t see that being the case. Hopefully that person is wrong. I’m in FL but ours vote next week so I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

    5. @11:35 AM. That's what I thought as well.

    6. @12:19 Good luck!

  68. @3:07pm….I would be hell bent on getting that 3rd public service letter in “on time”! If you gotta pick it up in person or beg! #ijs

  69. I attended rush 1/13 packets were due 1/23..due to weather packet due date was extended until 1/28…I SUBMITTED 1/21 before the extension was given…I still have not received an interview how long does it normally take to receive an interview?

    1. There is a schedule already outlined. Regardless of when you turned in your application, the countdown doesn't start until the day after applications are due. Just be patient. It's a long process.

    2. My app was due 1/23 but I submitted 1/21 also. Haven’t heard anything but someone that I know says they’re voting on apps next week(obviously different for each chapter) so hopefully next weekend or the week after calls will be going out.

  70. Submitted an application recently with the home phone number missing since the site didn't accept 000-000-0000 or N/A. Should I have put the home and cell number as the same?
    The site did not make the home phone number a required entry.

    1. leaving it blank should be fine.

  71. Any Texas Applicants here?

    1. Meeeee! I applied for Arlington Alumnae

    2. Houston TX
      rush 1/20
      apps due 1/30

    3. East Harris Alumnae
      Rush 1/14
      Apps Due 1/29 (extended)

    4. Same East Harris Alumnae
      Rush 1/14
      App due 1/29 (Extended)

    5. East Harris here as well. Crossing my fingers for an interview call soon.

  72. This is a stressful process and I'm so glad this blog is available. Anybody here applying to Long Beach Alumnae? Apps due 2.7.

  73. I know this is mainly for DST but is there any word on AKA Alumnae(grad) chapters in NJ/NY area having a intake this spring ??

    1. Yes, I am hoping to be invited to join an AKA alumnae chapter in NYC. They are having a rush this spring.

    2. It may seem that way but it’s not only for DST lol I discovered this blog last year and on older posts you will see interests of the other sororities. I hope you can get the info you’re seeking here though as we’re all hopefuls 🤞🏾♥️

    3. Any AKA hopefuls in LA???? I just attending a rush and I hope I can find someone else who is hoping to become a member as well.

    4. I am a AKA hopeful in Charlotte. I am not sure when they are having a line.

    5. I'm an AKA hopeful in the Chicagoland area. It's nice to see other hopefuls here in this blog.

  74. Does anyone know how chapters determine the cap for the line? They told us at rush they have 135 members

    1. At minimum 40% of the current number of chapter members but can have more with approval….

    2. From what I understand it's a percentage of the financial members. Not sure what the number is though.

    3. If this is with regard to Delta, for alumnae chapters it depends on the chapter size but it’s somewhere between 15-60% of the chapter size. Line cap is 65 for all collegiate chapters.

  75. Anyone attend the rush on 1/28 in Richmond Va with apps due on 2/7?

  76. Anyone attend Pittsburgh Rush ? Interview call yet ?

  77. Anybody have any interview tips? Are they looking to see what you know about the organization/'chapter specifically info? Or will the questions be more about me? I'm thinking a mix off questions.

    1. a mix, review both national & chapter website.

    2. Good question! I've been wanting to know this also. I've heard from people that it's a mix.....but wondering if this is still the case. All my contacts went through the process many many years ago.

  78. Any dfw aka intake happening this spring?
