Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sponsorship/Letter of Reccomendation

You find out that the chapter at your college/university or the alumnae/alumni chapter has a rush. You are beyond excited, nervous; your adrenaline kicks in on the thought of you fulfilling your dream of becoming a member of XYZ org. You attend Rush with your excitement in tow, trying your best to impress who could soon be your sorority and or fraternity sister/brother.

Then reality sets in. The fee for membership is announced at Rush, and it is a lot more than what you anticipated. You realize you have to have so many hours of RECENT community service. You need a sponsor and don't have one. You have to have a FINANCIAL member write you a letter of recommendation that can speak about your character,  your RECENT community service efforts and why they feel you would be the perfect candidate for membership.

The problem? You do not have the money. You don't have a sponsor. You can't find a financial member to write you a letter of recommendation. You realize that you are either lacking in the community service hours, or the service hours you do indeed have has been from years prior. So what do you do? Well, it appears you didn't prepare yourself for membership. Real Talk! When I found out I wanted to be a member of Delta Sigma Theta (14 years old btw), I did my research. I  have spoken to members. I was able to establish various relationships with Deltas. I also attended multiple events. The internet wasn't as popping as it now, and the only website that was available at the time was the DeltaNet founded by Sorority Sister Bonita Jackson (BeeJae, RIP Soror). I loved that website. It was filled with a wealth of Delta information. Her popular blog post entitled "So you think you want to be Delta" was VERY popular and appeared on many College and Alumnae websites. She is the reason why I decided to create this blog. Her website helped me SO much, and I wanted to pay it forward to all prospective BGLO members.

Although it wasn't publicly known HOW much it would cost, I worked my tail off during Summer months while I was in college to save at least $1100 for the initiation fee.  (It cost nowhere near that much, thank GOD)! I kept my community service hours current, and I stayed in touch with the people that was in charge of my volunteer service so I could use them as a reference. I was hoping to use my ex's sister to gain a letter of rec. from her since she is a Delta (unfortunately, that fell through) I was blessed enough to have two other Delta on standby who were willing to write me a letter. (Thank Goodness) I guess my point is, I was prepared. I was ready. I just needed for the members to take a chance on me. Thankfully they did. The competition was fierce at my University. EVERYONE wanted to be a Delta, so to be quite honest, even after putting my best foot forward, I wasn't expecting to be chosen during the first try. I was wrong. They extended an invitation to me. I was blessed enough to have received the necessary votes for me to start the process of becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

If you don't have the $, the sponsorship, or someone to write your letter, all is not lost. You need to take this time to work, work, work! Work on saving that money. Work on establishing meaningful relationships with members of the org you so desire to become a member of. My RD gave me the BEST advice. She stated that if someone asks you to write a letter of recommendation are you willing to PAY for their initiation dues? (Hint, membership in all of these orgs are NOT CHEAP). If so, write them a bomb rec. If not, then keep it moving.  I have had a quite few young ladies in applying for membership at both the College level and at the Alumnae chapter ask me for a letter of recommendation.  How many have I written? ONE! I am very particular on writing letters, and if I haven't worked with you, (and recently) and cannot honestly speak on how you can be an asset to the organization from my personal experience, then I will not be writing a letter. Some of the women I haven't heard from in a while. So the first time I hear from them was to ask for a letter of recommendation? Sorry sweetheart but Issa no. If you know me personally, you know that I am a HARD working Delta. I am very active with my chapter, so I will only be writing letters for people that I feel will work hard for the organization as well.

When people say no, don't take it personally. Just realize that you need to ask someone that you feel comfortable with, that can speak to your character, work ethic and knows you personally. This is vital. We (and by we I mean ALL members of BGLOS) have enough T-shirt wearers in our Orgs and don't need any new ones. A T-Shirt wearer is a person that wants to be a member of XYZ org, goes through the process, only to be never seen again. But trust and believe they will make random appearances at Greek Parties or will give a shout out twice a year on Social Media. (The time they crossed as well as their Founders Day). They are either only active/financial while they are in college, and never pays another DUE after graduating from college, or goes through the process as an alum member, and disappears. As I have always stated, LIFE happens. (It did for me during my first few years of getting married, and although I was a member at large while making my monthly Diamond Life Payments, I was not affiliated with an actual chapter).

I tell people all the time, membership in these organizations requires Sisterhood/Brotherhood, MONEY, TIME, and EFFORT! Without them, these orgs would not exist. Just giving you all a food for thought as Rush season is upon us. Good luck all of you, and for those of you that are currently going through the process.


  1. This is a wonderful post, thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Thank you so much for this blog. You have no idea how much you have helped me as I go through this process. Blessings to you, and everyone out there in the process!

  3. Say DAT louder for the people in the back! Although I am a proud member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., these words are LAW and should apply to any and everyone who is seeking a letter from a member of the organization of their choice. I have had some of my friends, really associates come out to the woodwork ask me if I would sponsor them. Mind you, we aren't THAT close, and I haven't heard from them in a LONG time. If we don't talk at least on a monthly basis, as Marty Mar use to say on Martin "Git Ta Steppin.'

  4. The competition for membership is fierce. Reviewing and processing applications conducting interviews is a time consuming and intense process. At Rush all requirements are thoroughly explained including the membership fee. I've read of those who have submitted their application packet, gone through the process, been blessed to be offered membership but were unable to complete the process because they do not have the money. That is just a waste of everyone's time in my opinion, that person wasn't ready and wasted time. Organizations should not have to waste time reviewing and interviewing applicants who simply can't afford the fees. As all chapters have caps on lines that person just took a space they were not qualified for and wasted it, they should have never been in the pool of candidates. Just curious, why aren't membership dues collected when the applications are submitted and refunded to those applicants who aren't offered membership? There is probably a very good reason it's not done this way which is not apparent to a person on the outside.
    I like the way you discussed these three pieces as requirements for membership and honestly feel like applicants have to have produce the required letters when applying producing the money should go along with it. Maybe I just feel that way because the day after Rush I had my acceptable forms of payment in hand ready to go, after all if I don't get the interview call I can always put the money back. Just my thoughts.

    1. Good question.

    2. I definitely agree that people shouldn't go through the process if they know they can't afford it. One of my line sisters had a friend that made it but couldn't continue because she didn't have the funds. I mentioned it to someone later and they said they heard she had car troubles. If you have to choose between fixing your car and joining, you better chose the car. That put stuff in a different perspective. Maybe the people think they will have the money but something happens that they have to use it. Otherwise, yes you are possibly taking someone else's spot if you KNOW you won't have the money.

  5. Thank you for this post and frankly all of your posts. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I have also witnessed personally a close friend mine who applied for membership. (We actually applied together). She was was granted an interview, was approved by the chapter and the RD, and was extended in invitation for membership. She didn't have the money. I never told her but I was so angry with her. Unfortunately, I was not granted an invitation. I went as far as the interview, but did not receive the 2/3 vote that was needed. The chapter we applied to did indeed have a cap, and I felt she wasted their time. We are both applying again, but this time I am doing it all alone. I am not sure if the fact that she wasted their time will bite her in the tush. I know if I was on their side, I would be irritated.

    I truly hope this time around I am able to gain the vote. The members now know me personally, because I have been to all of their events and establish a relationship with several of its members. Here's to hoping, wishing, and praying on my end.

    1. @648 I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. Im ready for my interview, praying for a positive outcome. We have all the information we need as applicants to make an informed decision, money needed, times to be available, attendance requirements and it is so unfair to continue the process once you know you will be unable to fulfill your obligations. The responsible thing to do would be to notify the chapter and remove yourself from the pool of applicants. Don't take a space that might have gone to someone who is all in. Praying now is my turn.

  6. Agree, agree, agree!!! I've been thinking this the whole time. It's so inconsiderate to take up the org's time and another potential member's spot when you know well ahead of time that you don't have your ends together. Arghh!!!

  7. I needed this article.....I’ve been pursuing membership in grad chapter for years & I’ve yet to obtain a sponsor because a lot of the members barely speak. It’s a large chapter and only a few of them know me by name, including the president (who I’ve known since I started going to my COI’s events). My COI is probably gonna have intake soon & IDK if I should be excited or nervous.

    1. I know that is frustrating. When looking for a sponsor don't forget to look outside of the COI. Don't give up.

    2. I am just curious what does COI mean? (I am guessing Chapter of Interest)?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You got it. Chapter of Interest

  9. What is normally the timeline between notification for interview and the interview?

  10. Did they tell you all at the rush how much the initiation fee will be? They didn't at my rush and I wasn't told until they extended membership to me and I don't have that much saved up. I am so stressed out right now. I only have 48 hours to come up with the money.

    1. At the rush I attended in GA, we were told the exact amount and that we would have 24 hours to pay the money if we are selected. Congratulations on being offered membership. I hope you are able to come up with the money. If you do not mind me asking when was your rush?

    2. What state are you located in? Try one of those loan places ... Can you call a family member?Maybe a payday loan or a tax refund advance. I really hate that for you and hope that you find a way to come up with it.

  11. I was told at rush, it is my understanding that that is the official policy. I have wanted this for a very long time and I have probably checked every source (webpage,blog,message board,you name it) that I could find and was able to have a pretty good idea of the dollar amount needed before rush but they did spell it out for us. Maybe different orgs have different policies. That is indeed stressful.

  12. The Grad chapter that I am interested in has not had a Rush in over 10 years, but they are very active in the community. I have $ saved and I keep my community service hours current. Some of the members know me because I attend their events, but I don't know if they would write a letter for me :(

    1. Did you ask any of them to write a letter for you, or are you just guessing that they won't?

  13. I have not asked (terrified). I am certain there will be 800 to 1,000 attendees if they ever decide to have many ladies will come at them for letters when it's time...since I want this more than anything in the world...i guess i gotta get out of my comfort zone and take a chance and ask. I don't know the proper way to ask without offending. I never say to them verbally " I wanna join your chapter," but I assume they know because they see me CONSTANTLY at their events and they smile and nod at me (sometimes brief light chats). So it would be super bold to say I want a letter. Don't want them to think that's the only reason I support events, cuz I want that letter! But I want that letter lollllll. Over ten years of not having a Rush. It's killing me.

    1. You will have to take a chance, don't forget to look outside of your chapter of interest, what about women you work with, local church,local volunteer groups, you literally never know. I know it's not easy but you can do this. If there is a member that you feel comfortable with ask her to meet for coffee, give her a chance to get to know you. I know it's hard. Sending you positive vibes.

    2. Thank you. Your response helps more than you know!

    3. Follow-up: I attended Rush and got my letter of recommendation! I hope that I ultimately get an invite to join!

    4. How many women ended up being a Rush? Good luck to you though! Make sure to triple and quadruple check your application! Have someone else look at it too. Any letter error WILL get your application marked as incomplete.

    5. I assumed wrong. There couldn't have been more than 175 women present. Now is the waiting...hoping they received my packet and that it is complete.

    6. Please come back and update. Have you recieved an interview yet?

    7. Follow-up: I attended Rush, submitted packet, and was interviewed. Waiting :) Thank you!

    8. Good luck! Yea it's crazy how you can assume that a lot of people will be at rush but it doesn't happen. My local chapter didn't have a line for over 10 years. Only about 125 women at Rush. Meanwhile, the neighboring city easily has 300-400 people show up at Rush.

  14. Great article! And as a prospective going through the initial phase of the process, everything you stated is so true. Doing your homework, being involved in current community service activities, ensuring funds are available if membership is extended & having a financial member write your recommendation letter should be sorted out early so that when the announcement for Rush is known, you'll be prepared.

  15. Why do applications go to the Regional Director prior to interviews?

    1. I thought they went to the regional director after the chapter vote

    2. To make sure everyone who has a complete packet is given an interview. Then the names of the voted prospect memebrs are given to the Regional Director for final approval.

    3. When you say complete packet what do you mean? I am sure I have turned in a completed packet and wasn't chosen.

    4. Turning in a complete packet doesn't guarantee you membership in the organization. It only guarantees you an interview. You will need to have receive majority vote in order to be granted an invitation for membership. People generally vote on prospective members that they personally know which is why it is vital that you attend as many events as possible and get to know the members personally. Just because you have a completed packet doesn't automatically mean each individual member will vote yes for you.

  16. Hi. So I have heard there is another moratorium coming. Could you please shed some light into whether or not theres ANY truth to this? Please? I woild be so grateful. This was supppsed to be my year.. 

  17. Hi. So I have heard there is another moratorium coming for Delta Sigma Theta. Could you please shed some light into whether or not theres ANY truth to this? Please? I would be so grateful. This was supppsed to be my year.. (2019-2020)

    1. If it has not been announced publicly, then this is internal Delta business and hopefully no member will answer this on a public forum. If you know any Deltas personally, which you should by now, ask them. Otherwise, you just have to wait and see. There is no guarantee that the chapter in your area will be having a line in 2019-2020 anyways. That vote does not take place until after the sororal year starts, i.e. Sept.

  18. What if I made a format mistake in my letter of interest but everything else is correct (signed off, dates correct, majority votes etc.)?

  19. What if my professor who did my letter of recommendation for collegiate chapter forgot to put the date on the letter . He did uploaded it himself to my application will get disqualified or ?
