Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2025 Rush

 Hi Everyone,

It's been a LONNNNG time coming but it's HERE! Happy 2025 Rush! I know some of you may be feeling a lot of different emotions as rush season is now here. You probably feel nervous, anxious, scared, thrilled, happy, excited, etc....and that's all normal. My advice? Take it all in and  don't allow your emotions to take over. Just think some of the people in that room could possibly be your future line sisters and/or line brothers. The best advice I can give you is, do your best, come prepared, get to know not only the members in the room, but other people in the room as well. This takes a lot of effort on your part. Remember that although you want to stand out, you don't want to seem TOO aggressive. So, I would say READ THE ROOM! 

I can't believe that nearly TWENTY-FIVE (25) years ago, I was in your shoes. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?????? 25 years ago I was roaming on my college campus and I see it. I froze. I smile. Then I get nervous. The flyer was posted in the Union building that the chapter is having an informational. (We didn't call it rushes, but informationals). I was SO nervous. I remember running back to my dorm room, and calling one of my girlfriend's who was at Howard at the time telling her that the time has come. I was BEYOND excited. I also knew that it was time to get all my ducks in a row (pun intended).   I made a few phone calls to make sure my Delta mentor was still active and financial so I could have her on standby to write my letter, I called back home to ALL the places I volunteered in Chicago to make sure they could write me a letter of recommendation. I reached out to a few of my professors to make sure they could write me a letter of reference. Let's just say, ya girl was PREPARED! I did not want to wait until the last minute to try to gather these things since I heard that there could be a deadline for all of these things. Mind you I gathered ALL of these things no less than 24 hours AFTER seeing the flyer. Now mind you, I didn't get these things until AFTER the rush, however I wanted to make everyone aware that I would need these letters soon. 

I can't believe that was I will be celebrating my 25th year in my organization and I have never been so happy to be a part of what I feel is the greatest sorority on earth. But I am sure ALL of my fellow greek sistas' feel the same way about their org. If you don't then something is wrong with you! LOL!!!! 

So good luck to everyone out there. I truly hope you have a wonderful time a rush, and as much as I want to tell you to not  be nervous, and take it in, as someone who has been there before I just won't. Just take it all in and enjoy the process. 

Ciao for now and good luck to all of you! 

Happy 2025 Everyone!!!!


I know it's been a while, but ya gal has been REALLY busy! I can't believe it's 2025 already! Wow, where has the time gone? I don't know about you, but I am thrilled to see all that 2025 will offer. I have always treasured each new year because it means new beginnings. A fresh start. 2024 has been a trying year for me due to unexpected health challenges,,,,but GOD!

 I have so many goals this year. Now that my health is back in check, (Thank you Lord), I am able to work out again. I use to be a gym rat, and I am looking forward to getting back to that. So far, I have worked out every day this year thus far which is a first for me in almost 2 years. I finally got the clearance from my doctor and I am beyond grateful that I am back where I need to be in terms of my health.

It's only the 28th of January, and I have already shot 4 weddings. I am beyond blessed because some of my fellow photography friends are struggling with booking clients. I am beyond thankful to be booked and busy because  capturing love behind my lens has been truly a joy for me.  

I went home to celebrate Christmas with my family which was a joy. While I was there, I was able to catch up with my High School besties, De Anna and Milauna. They are both EXCELLENT actors and writers in the industry, so meeting up with them was one of thee BEST highlights of my trip. We all went Curie Metropolitan High School of Performing Arts and I thankfully ALL of us is still in the arts perfecting our crafts. 

Here is a throwback from when we were still in High School, I'm in the middle! :) 

We had an amazing time together, and I am SO grateful for their love, support and more importantly their friendship. Speaking of which Milauna (on the left) was just in the film The Triple Six Eight and if you haven't check it out PLEASE DO! She played Captain Campbell, (Kerry Washington's right-hand woman). I am SO proud of her and all of her MANY accomplishments! My Girl De Anna is killing the game right now and is currently in Raisin in the Sun in Chicago. I am just glad we ALL are doing our thang in terms of still staying true to ourselves and remaining in the Arts. 

Because of my busy schedule with school, performances, shooting weddings and events, I have been waaaay behind with blogging. I know rush season is now upon us, and my next post will be all about rush. Speaking of which, how are the neophytes doing out there? I would love to hear from you now that you are on the other side. Was it everything you want and more, or not? It's one thing to be on one side and it's completely different when you cross over you get to see the "other" side of things. As I stated before now the REAL work begins. And it's a LOT of work. TRUST ME! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy every bit of it. 

Well that's all for now. 

My next post will be about 2025 Rush, so stay tuned!