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Chicago Alumnae - Photo Credit |
Each year, the Arizona Alumnae Chapters rotate to host our annual Statewide Founders Day weekend celebration. This year my chapter was the featured host. We invited National President and CEO Beverly E. Smith to be our speaker at the sisterhood luncheon. We also asked all Sorors from the Farwest Region to attend as well. To celebrate the election of our Chapter member Tracy A. and the Regional Rep. Christine E., we decided that this weekend event would be perfect for also hosting a "Congratulatory" Celebration to celebrate them both being elected into the office.
Friday started off with the "Love Reception" to commemorate their election into Delta Office. We invited members from the Divine Nine, as well as several leaders of other prestigious organizations to speak on behalf of their organization at the event. It was a joyous occasion. We had grand old time celebrating with everyone, and the night ended with several divine nine members, sorors and speakers from the event taking pictures with our National President, Regional Director, and our Regional Representative. Several vendors were in attendance to sell their fabulous Greek Items, as well as African Attire.
Saturday included all Sorors getting dressed in their "Delta Red" to take our annual Statewide Founders Day Picture. We started with ALL members in attendance taking their picture and then breaking it down by Chapter. There were a lot of Sorors in attendance, including Sorors from the Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter. They chartered a bus, and 45 of their members came to support our RD, Regional Rep, of course, our National President, and the Arizona Chapters.
After concluding taking pictures, we all gathered to the ballroom for the Sisterhood Luncheon. To witness a sea of "Red" was breathtaking. Although this weekend filled with Love and laughter, there was also sadness. Our founders Day Chair Soror Demetta W. who planned everything to a "T" unfortunately and unexpectedly, left us before the celebration. In honor of her, the Co-Chairs and the Founders Day Committee set aside a place on the dais to recognize her efforts. Although she was not physically there, you could feel her spirit throughout the room.
The event opened with myself Performing the Black National Anthem "Lift Every Voice And Sing." Although I was the official photographer during this entire event, I completely forgot to ask someone to record my performance for my Mom and my Darling Husband. (My two BIGGEST FANS). Unbeknownst to me, my darling Soror from my chapter recorded my performance on her phone and sent it to me. (Thanks again Soror).
The entire Sisterhood luncheon was phenomenal. Another one of my Chapter Sorors blessed us with Song, we had several speakers, and the Arizona Chapter Presidents brought Greetings on behalf of their Chapter. It was wonderful. We also set aside some time for Sorors who became members of the Organization for 25, and 50 years. Each of them received a plaque and posed with their Chapter President, the Regional Director, as wells as the National President to commemorate their 25 or 50-year service for Delta.
One particular Soror who received her plaque had an extraordinary story. As she made her way to the stage that she had a certificate in hand. When she reached the Stage, she mentioned that the National President, Beverly E. Smith was ALSO her Chapter President 50 years ago, and signed her certificate after she became a Delta. She brought her certificate showing our the Signature of our National President, (Back when she was just Beverly Evans - maiden name). She wanted to pose with both certificates. People in the room started crying, (including myself). It was a beautiful. As they were having their moment and possibly reminiscing about the times when they were both Deltas in undergrad, I was snapping away on my camera. Later that evening, I printed two of the pictures from them to give to my soror on the next day during our Ecumenical Service. I even posted the picture on my FB page that evening retelling the story of how that picture came to be. It went viral very quickly. Imagine my surprise when one of the images that I captured was later featured on the National Facebook page of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. the next day. When I gave a copy to the Soror for her to Frame, her eyes welled with tears. She later was able to reconnect with President Smith (Sunday afternoon) for her to sign the picture.
The Sisterhood luncheon ended with Soror Smith speaking to the body. As always, she was phenomenal. At the end of the speech, we were all asked to join outside for a Desert Soiree. The best part of living in Arizona is how we can have events outside during February. As a part of our Community Service for the weekend, we partnered up with the Breast. We donated 700 new and lightly used Bras for this organization. The collection of bras will help provide bras to women and girls in need.
Sunday concluded with the Ecumenical Service. Once again, I was blessed enough to be a part of the program; d I dedicated the song that I performed to Soror Demetta. Six of my beautiful chapter Sorors performed "Oh Lord How Excellent." They did a fanatic job. Our chapter, as well as Tempe Chapter, partnered together to bless us with a beautiful Praise Dance. We were later fed the word through one of Tempe's chapter members, Soror Morrison.
Overall, this was a wonderful weekend. I was able to meet new Sorors, connect with old Sorors that I haven't seen in a while and it was great. My feet were exhausted after this weekend from being the Official Photographer and running here and there to capture the memories as they were happening. For those of you that are either going through the process right now or hoping to become members of your dream sorority or fraternity, I can not wait for you to experience your FIRST founders Day Celebration. Cherish the moments, as I promise you will never forget them.