We just made history being the FIRST Black Greek Organization ever to have our own personalize float and March in the e.Rose Bowl Parad Quite impressive huh? If you haven't heard about this, then you are living under a rock because it's been plastered all over the news EVERYWHERE! I had the liberty and the honor of watching this historic event happen, LIVE! My husband and I decided to celebrate the new years in Los Angeles, so we could witness history while celebrating together. It was a beautiful experience! There were Crimson and Cream EVERYWHERE! I was so excited because I am finally able to test out my camera skills (My loving husband bought me a Canon T3i for Christmas since I caught the photography bug) to take pictures of the event. We were there for six GLORIOUS days. I had so much fun running into familiar sorority sisters while connecting with new ones.
Registration ran smoothly, my sorors were all smiles, and the people at the hotel treated us so nicely. After getting all settled in, I was ready to take LA by the horns and explore. Thankfully I was also able to visit my BFF from high school AS WELL AS my Mother and Daddy in-love (law) during this trip as well.
New Year’s Eve was OFF DA CHAIN! Sorors and their hubbies were everywhere. We not only took over the restaurant (where we had a New Year’s Party Celebration) but we took over the lobby as well. It was great to see SO many of my sisters doing the "Delta Wobble" Stepping in the name of Love and throwing up their pyramids proudly! As my loving husband and I danced the night away, I thought about my many blessings of how far has brought me so far in life, more than I could ever imagine. Right before it was time for the clock to strike twelve, my husband and I made our way back up to our rooms. We have always made a tradition to start the New Year’s off on our knees, and this was no exception. After praying the New Year in, I couldn't help but my excitement about being able to witness history the very next day.
A few hours later,(4 am to be exact) I found myself getting dressed in Delta Paraphernalia from head to toe as if I was a neophyte just crossing over into Delta Land. The only thing I have been shocked with in regards to Los Angeles was how COLD it was here. (Well I guess cold is relative since I am from Chicago-Il). Thankfully the night before, we ran to the nearest Target to purchase some heavy coats. Sitting outside in the stands in the cold is NO fun if you don't have jackets.
We finally made it there, and after trying to figure out the parking frenzy, we were well on our way. Finally found our seats, and BOY was there a lot of people out there. The last parade that I have seen with this many people was the Macy's parade in New York a few years ago. There were sorors, everywhere. I smiled, threw up my pyramid, and returned a lot of "oop-oop" as several of my sorors serenaded me as we made our way to our seats. It was a beautiful thing. When the parade started, I grew very anxious, and about 30 mins later, I could see them from a distance. My heart grew warm, and I brought out my Canon Camera hoping that I would be able to take excellent pictures. Here are a few images that captured my exciting day!
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DeleteDelta Sigma Theta is nothing to be proud of, these witches (yes they practice witchcraft in their "secret" rituals b/c ex-Deltas who left for Christ told me) have been brainwashing and destroying lives for a 100 years.
DeleteI know of countless women who said they were brainwashed, fought, beaten, beat others, harassed, harrassed others, bloodied, financially extorted, didn't focus in school or graduate in a timely manner (hence more debt), lost jobs, lost good non-greek friends, etc all in the name of Delta Sigma Theta. Sweetheart, I can go on and on about the ills & lies of Delta, I mean have you ever wondered why so many chapters of DST have been suspended, on my campus they were gone for 8 years b/c of foolishness .... no amount of good works can offset the amount of bad works they manifest and try to cover up. You are wrong for shouting out Delta, I hope you please learn and do better. God Bless.
Don't listen to this person above. I don't know what "GOD" she/he serves, but even Jesus walked with sinners! the poster above sounds like she/he is in a cult, and is not a Christian at all from their tone. As a christian myself, I seek God's advice, and wisdom, and he has never told me that joining an organization is wrong.
DeleteGod Bless!
@Anonymous April 5, You can call yourself whatever you want but it's obvious you're not. Everything I spoke is truth and I can validate it with God's Word(apparently you don't study the Bible and only listen to what ppl tell you about it), I spoke with and read testimonies from several SAVED Ex-Deltas. I'm not happy that so many women are being misled and brainwashed, so as a result I'm speaking the truth so that people can be set free from the enemies ploy.
DeleteDelta is not good for women and never been since it's inception. And as a servant of God it's my job to warn people to get out before they die in it. It's very denomic, from the rituals exalting the Roman goodess Minerva, the chants (i.e. I heard this chant ... My Mind DST, My Heart DST, My Soul DST, DST, ... basically they were confessing Delta to be their god and the true living God is a jealous God, enough said. Learn that this is a serious matter and not to be played with or trivialized, people are cursing themselves to damnation and evil and there's nothing cool about that
I am a freshman in college and I am so excited to join a bglo i have spent countless nights sitting up reading and reading up on the diffrent organizations watching videos and i even read your whole blog. My school has all of the Divine 9 fraternities and it had all of the soritiys but now the only ones that we haveare the zetas and the sgrho's but now deltas are finally comming back after a 4 year suspension. and i was wondering how does that work. the person who runs activities at our school said that the grad chapter is going to come and they are going to be the ones who interview us talk to as at rush etc. how is this going to be different from undergrad members doing this for us?
ReplyDeleteSister do not join, these organizations are full of witchcraft, pride, hazing, brainwashing, idol god worship, drama, lies .... I can go and on. Ask God to remove that lust you have for these demonic sororities, don't be fooled. Everything that glitters isn't gold and I know many ex-greeks who will tell you that. God doesn't want you in this, get out and seek Christ sweetheart!
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DeleteAnd please read the comment I left to the young lady right above yours. Aspire for something greater than DST, trust me there's a lot better things forget what some people might tell you. Thanks :)
DeleteSorry but you come off as so abrasvie! This is the author's blog! If you feel so ANTI-GREEK then create your OWN blog and place your opinions there. Making all of these comments, you are coming off as being in a cult, and NOT a christian! I am not Greek, but I do visit her blog often just for some insight. I am a Christian, and I was always taught that there are Christian ways you do thing. Know the tree by it's fruit, and the way you come across your Fruit is rotten to the core!
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Delete@Anonymous April 5, I came off as abrasive because you don't like the TRUTH and again if you was truly what you say you was you would see that and feel comfortable with it. So you can try to twist it if you like but I know I simply spoke facts and the obvious.
DeleteAnd I'm PRO-CHRIST and not ashamed of the Gospel. I'm doing my job to enlighten those in darkness and exalt Christ while on Earth.
And last but not least, one thing I almost find more disturbing and sad than an obnoxious idolatrous greek is a "wannabe" which you clearly are. Ask God to remove your lust and obsession with being mesmerized by Delta or greek "death" (Christ is absolutely against it so there's no "life" in it) ... God has a geunine abundant life awaiting for you, more than any type of organization can give but you have to thirst for Him and Him alone (not delta, greek "death", etc.)
Praying for you, God Bless.
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ReplyDeletewhoever is the owner of this blog can you please delete E's comments? .E whoever you are please stop coming on the her blog and blasting the author and those who inspire to become a memberbof BGLO. you are spamming the board and leaving the same messages over and over again and I'm tired of reading them. Even Jesus himself did not throw down his religion down people's throats what you are doing. One thing I am so grateful of is God gave us all free will. The author is using her free will to help those who want to be Greek. If you don't like it create your own blog. And stop coming on this board and spam mean her blog. After I hope you erase all of E's messages. let me also remind you of Matthew 7:1 which states do not judge others and you will not be judged so stop judging the author and us. Poof, be gone and bye bye
ReplyDeleteYou are taking Matthew 7:1 out of context.
DeleteAnd EPHESIANS 5:11 COMMANDS US TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH DARKNESS, BUT RATHER EXPOSE THEM. And Delta Sigma Theta (all greek orgs) is darkness fooling the ignorant that they are light
God does give us free will and right now it looks like the desires of your heart are brazenly Satanic not Godly (Satan). I hope you truly accept Jesus Christ in your heart and life b/c if you had you wouldn't be so offended by Godly Truth. Damnation (in this life and after) is real, wake up b/c I don't want you nor anyone else to go there. No save person would ever feel comfortable, proud of being a member of Delta Sigma Theta ... if you are, that's a sign you're not saved. Listen, please do not be a fool.
My intent is not to offend, but to tell the truth/have a dialogue so people can be delivered from the bondage to darkness and ungodliness found in the orgs.
But as Christ was persecuted for speaking the Truth, so will His true children. It's fine with me, my reward is in heaven and my ultimate goal is not to please man.
God Bless
I love you E!!!!! The day will come.
ReplyDeleteBlogs are knew to me; I'm old school. Although I have been serving the Father for most of my adult life, I have missed the mark a time or two. I very much wanted to pledge Delta when I was in college. You see, my mom is a Delta, so I would have been considered what I'm sure the majority of you all know-legacy. I wanted to belong to something. I got my first taste of true friendship in college so I thought pledging would take it even further, sisterhood. Well I sent all my stuff off from the main post office and I want you to know that all my information just disappeared!! They never received my information. I was devastated and I never got the opportunity to do it senior year because I ended up pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI would have pledged in grad school, but the Father just didn't give me peace about it. It never was the right time.
Later I became a minister. Since then, I've been further studying His Word and seeking truth, and I KNOW that it is not a godly thing to do. Sometimes our methods of speaking truth are not easily digested because of the way we deliver it. I agree with the information provided by the sister, but I personally do not believe in telling someone that they are not children of God or holy or things like that. I simply say, if you seek the truth you will find it, but you have to be open to it. We don't always like His response. You love God just like we do. Ask Him specifically should you pledge, is it godly or pagan, will it draw you away from him, is it idol worship?? Seek Him and you will find him. If you want wisdom, ask God (James 1:5).
I love you all with the love of the Father. Be blessed!
Hi, Im a sophomore college student at an HBCU. I love God with all my heart and all my soul. The majority of the people that I love and adore are greek (mainly Delta). These women helped mold me into the loving, hard working, and Godly young women that I am today. I am now the leader of a Christian organization and now a Greek organization (the Rho's) have asked to partner with us on our upcoming fashion show and they agreed to play our music and let us choose the appropriate clothes. Is this an opportunity to let God into Greek life on campus?? An opportunity to plant a seed of faith?? Should we not take the offer?? is it Godly?? Should I let go of my dream to pledge Delta?? I love Delta but I love God more and I will always put God first. But now after doing a little research I'm just not sure what to do. What do you think??
DeleteNever give up on a dream. Ever. If Delta is what you want, be passionate and genuine in your pursuit. People often speculate what they do not know. I can assure you there is no "witchcraft" or whatever occult like sactions we've been accused of practicing. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a Christian principle based organization. Many don't know that and are surprised to hear it. I am a God fearing woman who will not risk her salvation for anything in this temporary world we live in. I've learned that God will not give you things that will hinder or hurt you. I've seen him cancel out things I wanted and I later learned it was for my own good. But I prayed for Delta and received it in his timing, which was perfect! Along with everything else I prayed for. So please disregard what you've heard. Even if you decide you are no longer interested in greek life, just know our principles and mission is to serve the community, like loving thy neighbor! :)
DeleteThank you for being bold enough to enlighten the people. Not just DST but Aka, sgrho, zeta, kappa, alpha, omega so on and so forth. Think about it have you ever thought about why some of these organizations have animals to represent them? Just let me say you can not have a covenant with God and a covenant with these Greek organizations. Either or can't serve both but most Greeks serve their organizations before God.