This New Year is starting with a bang! Seeing the float as I described in my previous post was breathtaking. When my sorors were out of site, and as the parade continued, I kept thinking about how blessed I was to witness this joyous occasion. Although it was cold outside, my heart was warm seeing our beautiful well-crafted float coming down the street. It seemed as if we were not the only ones excited! My phone started ringing off the hook, and I received a lot of texts from sorors and my close sistergreeks (My AKA friends and Zeta Phi Beta friends) who were just as excited as we were. I will share a few:
AKA friend #1- (Text) OMG I am sitting here watching you guys on television, I am so excited for you and your sorors. You guys are doing it big.
AKA friend #2- (Text) This is ____ my husband and I are watching the Rose Bowl Parade, and we just saw you guy's float. Simply beautiful.
AKA friend #3- Now you know I always throw shade at you regarding DST but not today girl, You guys are making history as you know it. So proud! (but you know Alllpha Kappa Alllpha is still the best sorority right, lol) Love you!
Zeta friend #1- Chile You can thank your sorors for setting the bar SO HIGH for us to follow in 2020...Being the first BGLO to March in the US biggest parade, being on the Today Show, Good Morning America and the other talk shows is a massive act to follow! Congrats my friend!
Prospect #1- I am so excited! My heart is beating so fast; I can't wait to become a Delta and wish I was one now to experience this with you, call me back when you can.
And that my dear friends are just a "taste" of voice mail msgs, texts and people inboxing me on facebook that I received that day. It was a beautiful experience. When the parade was over, it took us FOREVER to get out of there. It reminded me of when I use to go downtown Chicago for the 3rd of July Fireworks. There were people everywhere! When we got back to our truck, it took us literally almost 2 hours to get out of the parking lot! Even with that obstacle, nothing could have stolen my joy away at that moment. I was hoping I would get home in time to rest up for our Hollywood Gala that evening.
3 1/2 hours later, we finally arrived back at our hotel, and I only had an hour to get some rest before getting dressed for our gala! I was excited and could not wait to be in the same room with these fantastic guests, such as Ledisi, Faith Hill, A'ngela Winbush, some FIONE Blair Underwood. The Gala was hosted by the one and only Soror Sheryl Lee Ralph (The Actress from Moesha)
After waking up from my hour nap and getting all dolled up, I was finally ready to board the "Delta Bus" to Nokia. A funny thing happened on the way there, As I got on the bus I look over and the soror sitting right next to me is soror "Suzzanne Douglas (Actress, How Stella Got Her Groove, Jason Lyrics, and Mother on Parenthood). She is stunning in person, and I must admit, I was a bit star-struck! My husband mentioned a day earlier that he was alone with her in the hotel and he kept going on, and on, and on about how beautiful she was.
The event was incredible, I connected with a lot of sorors, and I felt I had the BEST seats in the house. Instead, of me telling you all about the event, I will post a couple of pictures so you can see what a fantastic time I had! This was the BEST way to bring in the New Year! Enjoy!
Soror Suzanne Douglas...Isn't she GORGE??

Soror Sheryl Lee Ralph, and the FIONE Blair Underwood (PBS)
A'ngela Winbush
Wife and Hubby- Tim Reid (AphiA) and Soror Daphne Reid

The beautiful Songstress, Ledisi
Faith Evans

Actor and Activist Danny Glover

Sorors Kym Whitley and Kiki Shepard

Soror AJ Johnson (Baby Boy, School Daze)

National President Cynthia MA Butler McIntire Lighting the Torch!

The Torch is Lit!

The Wall of Fame: Where it ALL Began
We danced the night away. I had so much fun kicking it with sorors, doing the Woble and just networking with sorors. I was exhausted and sad that it was all coming to and end. I am so grateful I was able to experience this with my sorors and my darling husband. Just think this is just he beginning.....This is going to be an exciting year. I can feel it.