Sunday, December 4, 2016

Welcome Back To my Initiating Chapter!!!!

Bonjour Mon Ami!

I am excited to announce that after a SEVEN-year hiatus, my chapter is back on the yard. Twenty-six young ladies crossed the sands into Delta-Land at my alma mater.  I was sad that I wasn't able to see them. However, I was ecstatic that my husband's ship (line brother) was able to attend and live streamed it for me to see. A lot of sorors who were initiated in my home chapter all came down for their initiation and their NIP (New Initiate Presentation). It was a beautiful sight to see. Seeing them on center stage took me back to when I crossed. I was also able to see my prophytes, my neos, and my line sisters as well. I cannot wait to return to my home chapter to meet the neos in person.

One of my prophyte's daughter just became a delta s well. She just chartered a BRAND new chapter. I am so excited for them. I am sure it took a lot of hard work, and dedication.

So, if you are in a position where there is not a chapter on your yard due to either suspension, lack of interests for many years or there was never a chapter on the yard, don't give up! With persistence, a lot of hard work and dedication, you can make it happen!


  1. Dear Ms. Love,

    This isn't necessarily the forum that I want to ask this question on, but it's the only way I could understand on blogspot, honestly, so please bear with me, and I apologize if there was some other way that I missed!

    I've been following your blog for a while now as I continue on at college. Your blog has helped me figure out how to interact with the Greeks on my campus without accidentally stepping on any toes and how not to ask stupid questions at probates. So first, thank you for all the time and information you've put into this blog; as someone who only learned what the Divine Nine was 2 years ago, I really appreciate it!

    After careful consideration and research, I have my sights set on grad chapter of an organization. My father, whom I don't have a real or great relationship with, was a Sigma, and he's been trying to build our relationship again as I get older. I mentioned to him my hopes of crossing, and he got pretty excited and gave me several names to email about membership. Now, I don't want to snub him, but I feel REALLY awkward about just up and emailing these women about membership, regardless of what he says. Maybe it's different for fraternity grad intake process, but everything you've ever said/ anything I've ever read has said that discretion is KEY when interacting with members of any of the sororities. What would you suggest going forward? I really appreciate any help you (or anyone else) can give me, as I don't really have anyone to talk to about this.

    Thank you again!

  2. Thank you so much for writing posts for people who are interested like me. I've been interested in Greek like since college, where it was my first interaction. And because of your posts, I was able to finally reach out to a chapter, I've passed my interview, and now in the process of becoming a member.

    Thanks again!

  3. Hi!

    The similar situation just happened on my campus. However, some of the girls that just crossed are now suspended. Not all of them though. I am aware that the local alumnae chapter brought our chapter back. Is it still possible for them to have another line since some of the newer girls are suspended? Will the alumnae chapter step back in? Or should I give up hope until those girls aren't suspended anymore?

  4. please delete the comment above from Hristo Yanev with the link. It takes you to a Greek nationality (not Greek fraternity/sorority) movie website which may or may not put a virus on your computer.
