🎵 I'm going back to Indiana......Indiana, here I come!🎵
Call all SORORS to the floor: As I am gearing up to attend the 56th National Convention, I am thrilled to amid 20k sorors. I am ready to connect with sorors from my undergrad chapter, kick it with my current chapter sorors, and meet and connect with Sorors from around the globe. If this is your FIRST national convention, take it ALL IN! I remember my 1st National Convention. I was blessed that it was in my hometown, so I didn't have to travel (Chicago). Although I was fresh off the sands, I was elected president of my undergrad chapter, which also meant that I was the delegate for our chapter. Although I was there to handle business on behalf of my chapter, I kicked it hard too. Although the convention was held in my hometown, my chapter paid for me and my ship (the alternate delegate) to stay downtown at one of the hotels. Attending my 1st National Convention was one of my best Delta Experiences. I left with many new friends. I was ready to lead my chapter the following fall semester.
For those planning to attend your 1st Convention, Conclave, Boule, etc...TAKE IT ALL IN!!!! You will initially feel a bit overwhelmed, but you will get used to it and blend in after a while. Attend as many business sessions as possible, have fun, take photos and videos, and connect with as many of your sorors/fraternity members as possible. In terms of shopping at the vendors...my advice? Don't buy ANYTHING until you have shopped around. You need to find out how often that cute shirt, bracelet, or jacket was a bit cheaper at a different booth.
After 20 years, I hardly EVER shop at the vendors. Now, I go there to capture photos and videos. If I do shop there, usually I go on the last day. Why??? Most vendors do not want to ship their merchandise back home; they put everything on sale/clearance. The only exception I make to this rule is while I am there to capture photos, I come across a one-of-a-kind item that I LOVE!
I leave for Indiana the following Monday, and the worst part for me? PACKING!!! Oh, do I HATE packing....so I will be a little better this year by packing little by little each day so I won't forget anything.
I look forward to being on Photography duty to capture as many photos as possible as the Farwest regional photographer. So if you are an avid blog reader and come across me taking photos, please stop by to say hi! I LOVE meeting new sorors who are readers of my blog.
To those of you that will be traveling to attend your Convention, Conclave, Boule, etc....SAFE TRAVELS!