Saturday, December 31, 2016

So long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night (2016)

This year has been one for the books. An upset election, racial tension rising, and for me, my father lost his battle with Dementia. As I sit here and reflect on 2016, I can't say that I am sad to see it leave. I am anxiously awaiting to see what 2017 has to offer.

I pray for you, our country, and President Obama and his family as he leaves office. He did the best he could with the challenges of having a Republican Senate, and House. Although I am sad to see him go, I am grateful to know that he can get some much-needed rest, and can take Mrs. Obama on a and I quote "Much needed and long overdue vacation."

I know a lot of you are preparing for Spring Semester, Rush, in hopes of getting picked to join the organization of your choice. I wish you all the best with that. As I have stated in my previous blogs, just be yourself, and I am sure you will be fine.

On another note, one of my favorite Delta Vendors, TIG: MIR is closing its doors. I am SO sad. Ironically I just placed a HUGE order to the vendor two weeks ago. Most of her stuff that is generally $50-$60 a piece is now $5-$20 each. I went back and stacked up on a LOT of items. I think I bought ALL of her remaining pieces in like EVERY.SINGLE.COLOR! When she announced on New Year's Eve, I was crushed. After getting out of my feelings (LOL), I started to buy, buy, buy! And to get stuff that was initially 60 bucks and they are now FIVE BUCKS? Girl BYE! As I stated, I snatched up every color, in TWO DIFFERENT SIZES (in case I lose weight, LOL).  I ordered $700 worth of items for.....Drumroll please.......$120! WINNER!!!!! Here is a preview of some of the things I purchased. I can't wait to rock them this summer.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Welcome Back To my Initiating Chapter!!!!

Bonjour Mon Ami!

I am excited to announce that after a SEVEN-year hiatus, my chapter is back on the yard. Twenty-six young ladies crossed the sands into Delta-Land at my alma mater.  I was sad that I wasn't able to see them. However, I was ecstatic that my husband's ship (line brother) was able to attend and live streamed it for me to see. A lot of sorors who were initiated in my home chapter all came down for their initiation and their NIP (New Initiate Presentation). It was a beautiful sight to see. Seeing them on center stage took me back to when I crossed. I was also able to see my prophytes, my neos, and my line sisters as well. I cannot wait to return to my home chapter to meet the neos in person.

One of my prophyte's daughter just became a delta s well. She just chartered a BRAND new chapter. I am so excited for them. I am sure it took a lot of hard work, and dedication.

So, if you are in a position where there is not a chapter on your yard due to either suspension, lack of interests for many years or there was never a chapter on the yard, don't give up! With persistence, a lot of hard work and dedication, you can make it happen!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Giving Thanks!

Happy Friday Peeps!

Yesterday I was blessed enough to share my home with one of my High School Besties! It was great to see her, reminisce about old times, and break bread with her. I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.

I was thrilled to see my timeline, IG, and twitter page filled with Sorors crossing into Delta-land. Some came from chapters that just came back on the yard, brand new charter members establishing a new chapter, PWIs, HBCUs, etc. I was also happy to see pictures and videos of new members or other Greek Letter Organizations (AKA, Alpha, Omega, and Zeta). Some are still going through their process, and I am sure they can't WAIT until they cross over into Greekland. So what are you all thankful for this year?

Friday, October 14, 2016

Why Pledge? (PART I)

Pledging a Greek Letter Organization was one of the best decisions I ever made. Some may ask me why? What is "so special" about becoming a member of one of the Divine Nine? Well first off, although I am a member of the Divine Nine, I must also note (as I have done before) that I am a member of other Greek Letter Organizations. Several of them mind you. So here are a few reasons why I enjoy being a member.

1. The bond that I have between my line sisters. When I first met my line sisters I didn't know them. NONE of them. We were all strangers put together, with different backgrounds, majoring in various subjects in college,  but we all had one common goal. To become members of the same sorority. It was scary at first. Well at least for me it was scary.  I am also VERY cautious of who I allow in my personal space. I didn't know these women from Eve, yet I knew that was about to change. I realized after being chosen that I had to let my guard down for me to get to know these women. We grew to not only know each other but respect and LOVE each other. It was beautiful. The experience that I had with these women, I would NEVER trade for anything else. They had my back, they dried my tears, held me down, encouraged me, and they were, and still are my support system.

2. The bond that I had with other Greeks. When you become a member of an organization, it's more than just the "Three" Letter across your chest. You now have this AMAZING Divine 9 community to bond with.  The love you are shown from the Greek community is fantastic! We support each other including going to each other events, participating in community service projects together, going on road trips as well as bonding together.

3. Becoming a member allowed me to have Leadership opportunities. I  have held various offices with my sorority including President, Vice President, Chaplain, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Chapter Photographer. It was a joy working with other members in the chapter. These qualities have helped me after college, in my career, and different facets of my life.

4. Shopping! Okay, so this is like a shallow answer, but hey, I can't talk about being a member of a BGLO and not talk about Paraphernalia! As a young girl, there was this cute little Store in Evergreen Plaza (Chicago, on 95th and Western) and my mom would shop at one of her favorite stores called "Montgomery Ward." Right across from Montgomery Ward there was a these cute Black Store that sold Greek Items. While my mom would shop in MW, I ask her if I could go across the aisle to the store. They had the CUTEST things in there — elephants, Plaques, Shirts, Jewelry, Books, Artwork, etc. When I FINALLY crossed, my oldest sister bought me an elephant from that store. The reason why I TREASURE that elephant so much is for two reasons. ONE because my sister purchased it for me, and two that store no longer exist (Evergreen also doesn't exist anymore), and it brings back so many memories of when I would go to the store and daydream about purchasing items from there.  Since crossing, I have bought SO much Pari it's ridiculous. LOL! But truth be told all of my treasures have a story behind them, and each story is precious and unique. The story ranges from my first elephant, my first jewelry, my first shirt, etc.

5. Connections! When I first moved to Arizona for school reasons I first became a member at large.  This meant that I was no longer affiliated with a chapter, but I am financial with the National Chapter. After a year I found a chapter and transferred my membership from being a Membership at Large to a member of my local chapter. While I was in the last semester of my graduate degree, another local chapter of my sorority invited me to sing at our Joint Founders Day event. I performed, and a few weeks later a soror from the chapter contacted me to see if I taught music. I thought she was asking because she wanted to know if she wanted me to go to a job fair with her. It turns out, she was a brand new principal with a brand new school opening up in the Valley and wanted me to apply. Nevertheless, I  applied, interview and was given the job. She was a fantastic boss. The only thing we had in common before she hired me was we were sorority sisters. After hearing me sing she contacted me to see if I also taught music. After working for her for a year, we grew very close to the point of traveling to South Korea with each other for a Sorority International Sisterhood event together.

That's all I will list for now. Watch out for Part II!

Ciao for now!


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Coming Soon to a Campus Near You.................

I love this time of year......April is always the month when my social media accounts are filled with pictures of New Sorors/Sistergreeks/Fraternity crossing over into Greek-land. This weekend alone, I have seen over 15 Delta Chapters post pictures of their new members. My heart is warm. I also received email msgs from people who have followed my blog send me pictures of themselves in their paraphernalia. (18 Deltas, 5 AKAs, 2 Zetas, 3 Alphas, 1 Omega, and 3 Kappas to be exact so far). Although this is a time for celebration, and happy tears for some, this is also a time of sadness, or bitterness for others. This can be due to not making "line" receiving a letter of rejection, and not understanding how she made it, and you didn't. I have addressed this in my blog before, so I won't rehash what I have already stated, but remember there is always next time. Not making "line" the first time is NOT the end of the world...It will just make the time when you DO make the line, that much sweeter, TRUST ME!

If you have a friend/family member that just crossed into GreekLand, congratulate them. Tell them you are genuinely happy for them.  You never know, that may be YOU next year. :)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Founders Day Celebration.....

I was so excited today to attend my chapter's founders day celebration. It was fun, festive, and educational. Originally were going to have Soror Daphne Maxwell-Reid as the guest speaker, but unfortunately she had an emergency and had to cancel at the last minute.  Thankfully we were able to secure Past Second Vice President Chelsea Hayes. She was AWESOME!!!! 

The entire day was filled with positive energy, love and sisterhood. We also had an opportunity to give back to the community. Our Community Service Project; Blessing Bags. We were able to put together over 150 bags for the homeless and those re-entering society following incarceration.

Sorors hard at work!

The Finished Product

Friday, February 5, 2016

Thank You!!!!

Happy Friday Everyone.....

These last few weeks have been hectic on my end, but I am so happy it's FRIDAY!!!! YAY! (Praise Break) I enjoy my weekends. I will especially enjoy NEXT WEEKEND! My darling husband told me to pack my bags, take Friday off, and we are going on a mini-vaca for V-day.  It's been a while since we have been able to make a couple's getaway, so this is long overdue.

I had to make a post tonight, to merely say "Thank You." I realized on this evening that this blog had reached 1.4 million views. WOW! I am so grateful that people are finding my posts interesting and filled with information.  When I started this blog, I never dreamed of it reaching that many views to be quite honest. There are other BGLO blogs out there, as well as YouTube videos I'm sure. However, you all made this possible.

So.......I am taking special requests....What other things would you like for me to discuss on this blog?

Friday, January 22, 2016

The Myth of Pledging Part I

Happy Friday Folks!

I hate being sick. First, my oldest brother spent the Holidays with me, and he brought his California cold with him. Then my darling husband caught his cold, and NOW I caught HIS cold. Being sick is for the birds. I hope to spend the weekend in bed, drugged up on Nyquil and feeling hopeful that I will be able to shake this cold.

I hope your new year is off to a great start. I am down 8 pounds, so I am thrilled! I decided to blog tonight about the myths about pledging. And there are plenty. So let's dive right in.

Since I am over 25, and I am still working on my undergraduate degree, I have to wait and pledge a graduate chapter once I graduate from college.

MYTH!- I had stated before in my "Journey to Greek life" that one of my line sisters was well in her 30's when she joined. I also have a dear friend of mine that pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha with her mom! She was 19, and her mom was 43.

To join a BGLO, you need to step.

MYTH! Stepping is just a small part of being a member of a BGLO. I know a lot of sorors that have NEVER stepped, or strolled after becoming a member. It's just a perk of becoming a member, definitely not a requirement. If you feel you have two left feet, or stepping isn't your thing, don't worry about it.

I can ask anyone to write me a letter of recommendation.

MYTH! -When I was interested in becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. I will never forget stumbling across "So you want to be Delta" written by BeeJae Jackson-Bulter. In her blog, she wrote that you should ONLY ask someone who personally know you. Someone who you can trust. She even went as far as to say, someone, you would feel comfortable with leaving them along with your husband.

You need to give up your life while pledging...

Well, it depends. Giving up your life is relative. What do I mean by that? Learning about the organization, taking and passing the tests to gain membership, bonding with your line brothers and line sisters, takes a lot of time. If you are going through MIP at the undergraduate level, it will take a ton of your time. The only thing you will have time for is school work, studying, hopefully, a part-time job, and that's it. If you are going through MIP at the graduate level, then outside of your full-time job, children, spouse, etc.

The hardest part of pledging is ....well.....pledging.

MYTH- Everyone knows that the real work begins AFTER you join the organization.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Now that I have crossed the sands.........What's Next???

So you finally became a member of your dream sorority/fraternity. You are on cloud nine! You feel like a celebrity with everyone on social media congratulating you. People who you don't even know, now know you. They know you by name. Now, what??? What are the next steps?

Well, first I would tell you to enjoy being fresh off the sands. You are Geeked about your coming out show (Some refer to it as NIP, New Initiate Presentation). Your hair is on fleek, you all look fabulous in your outfits together, you have rehearsed and perfected the show. You can't wait to reveal yourself to your campus/community.  You earned it! You deserve it.  This is your time! Enjoy it!
How do you balance work and fun? Can you have both? Of course, you can! When I first became a Delta, I was a nerd regarding wanting to know EVERYTHING there is to know about Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. I read our ritual, page by page, cover to cover as if it was a juicy Zane novel. I wanted to find out everything about the founders, the organization, the history, etc. Sure I learned a lot when I was going through the membership intake process, but I wanted to know MORE!  I wanted to be knowledgeable before I attended my first "official" Delta meeting.

Look I get it, you're excited, passionate, you want to learn everything. You also wish to join every single committee, run for office, and get your hands dirty.  No shame in that. I was that girl. My first year, I was on several committees, the chapter president, participated in every step show, became the step-master, and on TOP of that, I had school and a part-time job. I was a bit overwhelmed, but I loved every minute of it.

My best advice? Take it slow. Only YOU know how much you can handle. Remember that membership in these organizations is a lifetime commitment, so there is no rush to join every committee under the sun all at once, primarily as a neophyte. Don't get me wrong, I am not telling you to get involved, but don't overwhelm yourself. The one thing that I have seen from other neophytes from various organizations including mine are they joining every committee, and within five years, they are burnt out. Brace yourself. Sign up for a committee or two. Make sure the committee you DO sign up for is one that you would enjoy doing. Case in point, if you love planning, then fundraising might be your thing. Have a lot of ideas for community service? Bingo! Do you enjoy meeting and working with people? Membership would be perfect for you.

Congratulations on your membership. Don't overextend yourself; you have a lifetime to make a difference.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I came across this article this weekend, and I found it hilarious! I have a ton of AKA
 friends and they also found it funny as well. ENJOY!!!! 


While no group of people is a monolith, and we do not wish to stereotype the hundreds of thousands of women in these organizations, we thought we would give you a primer on how to distinguish your friends who pledged…
Not only is it the launch day of NegusWhoRead, but two of the most illustrious and noted organizations in the world also celebrate more than one hundred years of service this week.
Although every human being is unique, there are distinct characteristics that many members of sororities or fraternities share among the members of their respective organizations. 
While no group of people is a monolith, and we do not wish to stereotype the hundreds
 of thousands of women in these organizations, we thought we would give you a primer 
on how to distinguish your friends who pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha from those who are sisters of Delta Sigma Theta.
  1. AKAs always remind you that they were first.Deltas always remind you that most great creations had a first draft.
  2. The Delta was the president of the Black Student Council, Pan-Hell, the Student Government Association and The Sisterhood of Feminists.The AKA was on the dance team, the school welcoming committee, and planned the annual fashion show for the Black Student Council, Pan-Hell and the Student Government Association. When she approached the Sisterhood of Feminists about a fashion show fundraiser, they refused to take part in an activity that objectifies women’s bodies, even though they all walked the runway in the Black Student Council’s fashion show.
  3. Both went natural, but:
    The AKA gets hers blown out and straightened every week, although for special occasions she will get a shoulder-length sew-in, but only if the hairdresser 
    uses Remy #9 hair.
  4. The Delta grew dreadlocks.
  5. The AKA dated the star of the Basketball team.
    The Delta tutored the star of the Basketball team — until she got tired of him trying to holla at her during every study session–even though she kept reminding him that his AKA girlfriend was her bestie.
  6. When when you go out for drinks, the AKA will order a fruity drink with so much sugar so she can’t taste the alcohol.
  7. The Delta will be taking shots.
  8. The AKA has a set of nice earrings with emeralds and pink diamonds that perfectly match an embroidered AKA sweater she bought at nationals.The Delta has 2,934 t-shirts, 563 hoodies, and 114 red dresses that match her fortitude necklace, her elephant charm bracelet, pyramid ring, DST watch and Delta shoulder tattoo…But she needs some more paraphernalia.
  9. Even when there are no other AKAs present in the room, an AKA will still represent with a “skee-wee” if called upon.
    There is no such thing as one Delta in a room.
  10. If you date a Delta, you will always be a half hour late because you had to wait for her to get ready so she can look perfect.
    If you date an AKA, you will always be a half hour late because you have to change clothes. You know she’s not going anywhere with you looking like that.
  11. AKA’s pronounce it “soar-roarrr.”Deltas pronounce it “saw-rah”
  12. Your sweet third-grade teacher was an AKA who always made you feel smart, beautiful and special… Except for that one time you acted up in class and she sent you to the principal’s office and the principal called your mama. When your mama came to the school you could swear that sweet lady was about to cry.That principal was a Delta.
  13. The AKA is a third generation legacy. Her mom was an AKA. Her grandmother was an AKA. Her great grandmother was an AKA.The Delta is a third generation legacy. Her mom was gonna be a Delta but she didn’t have the grades. Her grandmother was gonna be a Delta but she didn’t go to college. She doesn’t even know if her great grandmother wanted to be in a sorority. All she knows is that during her freshman year in college, just before her great-nana died, she whispered in her ear:“Don’t you pledge no damn AKA.”
  14. AKAs collect frogs.
    Deltas don’t actually collect elephants. It’s just that whenever a Delta has a birthday, anniversary, graduation or her auntie goes to a flea market — everyone buys her an elephant.

So there you have it. Take this information with a grain of salt, and AS A JOKE. 

Happy 108th Birthday to the women of Alpha Kappa Alpha.
And a happy 103 years of sisterhood and service to the women of Delta Sigma Theta.


Michael Harriot is a renowned spoken word poet, the host of The Black One podcast and the editor-in-chief of NegusWhoRead. He is perpetually just getting warmed up because he has no chill.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Little Greek Humor!

I love how we can make fun of each other every now and then. I found these videos hilarious! Enjoy!!!

PS: I can't wait to see the video he makes for Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Happy 103 Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.

I am excited that my sorority is celebrating 103 years of Scholarship, Sisterhood and Service. I just purchased a Canon All in One Printer/Scanner and Fax, and I was excited to post "Throwback" photos of my journey in Delta-land. The love that we received from each other, other Greeks and non-Greeks was awesome. My social media accounts were BLEEDING crimson and cream the entire day that made my heart warm. Thank you founders, for paving the way! Happy 103 Sorors!!!!

Deltas from Capitol Hill Showing Love!

                                         From the Women of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. 

 From the Men of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.

 From the Men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

 From the Ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc.

 From the Men of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc.

From the Men of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Getting back into my Old Greek Paraphernalia

Happy New Year Again Folks!

Today was a chill day for me. I didn't wake up until late; then the hubby treated me out to one of my favorite restaurants "Outback Steakhouse." We then went to the store "Michaels" to look for some frames for a few art pieces that I bought him for Christmas. My house is FILLED with Art pieces, and 90 percent of them are musical pieces. As you already know, I was a music major in College and my darling husband was an Art Major. (He is now in leadership in IT, go figure, lol) He can draw/paint his tail off. At any rate, after putting up the artwork, I started to look at one of the art pieces that he had drawn for me when I crossed into Delta Land many years ago. I had on this one of a kind Delta tank top that I had made the same year I crossed. I haven't seen it or worn it in years. I decided to pull that baby out and was kind of in denial in trying it on. It did not fit at all. I grew a little sad. I realized that my days of being tiny were gone.

Now don't get me wrong, my husband LOVES me at this size (I gained about 25 pounds since we got married) I am now a perfect size 8 sometimes 6 depending on the cut of the clothes This is far from the size 0 when he first met me. I was a size 4 when we got married. He loves the fact that I filled out all in the right places and didn't want me to lose a pound.  I now have more of an hourglass shape, which he enjoys. ;-) Thankfully the weight I gained filled me out on top and bottom.

After realizing on today that I can no longer wear my cute tank top, I made a promise to get back into shape. I NEVER want to be a size 0 in life, and quite honestly, losing weight is not my primary goal. Just getting toned up is. My hubby and I use to work out consistently when we first got together. We both had six pack abs, and I my arms was very toned. Although I was very muscular, I was still very much so feminine. I always made a point to modify my lifting if I was getting too buff.  So now the weight-loss, getting tone journey begins. Thankfully my darling husband bought me the top of the line Vitamix so I will be putting that to more use. He misses the fact that we don't work out together like we use to, so now he is on this journey with me. YAY!!!!
Here Is Tonight's Dinner 

 My next few posts will be about my weight-loss journey, and at the end, I will post pictures of me in my old paraphernalia. I am excited about the mere thought of it.

Are any of you on a weight-loss/healthy journey? If so, what types of things do you do? What keeps you motivated? Another precious gift my wonderful husband bought me is the wireless beats by DRE. They sound AMAZING!!!!!  Funny story behind that is we ended up buying the headphones for each other for Christmas. We had NO IDEA!!!! We laughed and laughed and laughed when we both opened up our Christmas gifts. He bought me the red version (duh) and I got him the color, platinum.

One of our Christmas Gifts to each other

I guess we've been together for so long, we know what we both like. I will be utilizing them at the gym for my workouts. The fact that they are wireless, as well as noise canceling, is a bonus.

Well, here's to me getting back to my old self. Wish me luck!

Ciao for now,


Friday, January 1, 2016

RIP Soror Natalie Cole

Happy New Year Everyone! 

I spent the New Years Celebrating with my family. We had a great time. First we went to the Phoenix Symphony to listen to come classical music and Opera singers. It was fantastic! We had a wonderful time. Then we got a hotel suite and celebrated it with a glass of Sparkling Grape at the Stroke of Midnight. Then we did our usual routine of hitting the floor with our knees and giving God all the honor and praise of allowing us to see 2016.

I woke up the next morning with some devastating news. I found that my soror Natalie Cole died.  She was in the middle of doing a tour, but due to illness, she had to cancel.

I love me some Natalie Cole. I had the pleasure of seeing her perform, and her voice is like no other. Very smooth, just like her father, Nat King Cole.

The other thing that I LOVED about Natalie Cole is the love she had for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. She was a proud member. I had to dedicate this post to her. I am sure she is singing wonderful melodies with her father in heaven.
Sorors Sheryl Lee Ralph and Natalie Cole

RIP Soror Cole! You will be missed.