If you are interested in learning more about the Black Greek life community, then this is the blog for you! This blog discusses everything about Greek Life. A little about me, I am an active and diamond-life member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. I enjoy spending time with my family, friends, sorors, and other people in the Greek community. I am also an Alpha Sweetheart, and I am married to a life member of Alpha Phi Alpha. All of the opinions on this blog are that of the author.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Perp Alert!!!!!
A perpetrator: To inappropriately and unjustifiably wrong another, particularly -but not necessarily- knowingly or maliciously. According to the urban dictionary, a perpetrator is to front. "To fake it 'til you make it." In Greek Word, a perpetrator is someone who "Claims" to a member of an organization and they are not a member.
I have no idea why people perpetrate. I, for one, could NEVER fake being a member of an organization for several reasons. Not only because it's wrong, but what if I get caught? What if I ran into someone from the chapter I am "claiming" to be a member? I have come across several people who have claimed to be a member of my org, only to find out they were perpetrating. It's NOT WORTH IT! First of all the Greek community is very small. We are a tight community and just a phone call away.
I met one young lady "claiming" to be in my org, only to later find out she wasn't. The suspicion started when she began to say things that didn't make any sense. When I tried to invite her to a chapter meeting and told her that I met some of her sorors from the chapter that she "allegedly pledge" she seemed nervous and never wanted to attend. She always came up with a reason she could not attend chapter meetings due to her busy schedule. Now I did not fault her about that, trust me, as a performer, student, and full-time teacher I get it! I could not figure out why she was so nervous about attending a regular chapter meeting. If you can't come, then say you can't and keep it moving. What brought everything to a head is when she was confused about her crossing date, she couldn't remember who the national president was when she crossed, and many other things. The only way I found out that she was not a member was one day at an event, a soror mentioned that her undergrad chapter was having a chapter reunion. I told her that I would inform my friend who also crossed her chapter. I was finally able to bring them together, and she started to ask her questions only to find out she was a perp. The girl admitted that she never pledged, but wanted to so bad and thought that it wouldn't be a big deal to "perp."
Look, DON'T PERP! It's not a good look, you will eventually get caught, and it speaks a lot about your character.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Happy Holidays!!!!
Happy Holidays to all of you out there! I can't believe it's the end of 2015, and in two days it will be 2016. 2015 was an incredible year for me, and I am looking forward to another year (God-willing). Thanks to all of you that have followed me this year, and humbled from all of the "Thank You" emails that I have received. A lot of you have asked me why did I decide to create this blog? Well, I think I made it well known that once upon a time I was in your shoes. A little girl, trying to understand this thing called "Greek Life." I had no idea where to turn, who to go to, where even to begin. This generation, however, is blessed that you have this thing called the "internet." I think I will save all of that for another blog.
I hope all of you had a successful in 2015, and I wish you all blessed 2016. I spent the holidays with my family, and one of the main events that I was thrilled to become a part of was my Chapter's annual "Kwanzaa" event. It was indeed a blessing to be amongst sorors, family, friends, and other members of the Divine Nine to Celebrate Kwanzaa. My oldest brother was in town visiting me from San Diego, and this was his first time experiencing Kwanzaa, so I was happy that I was able to share his first experience with him.
I am now on the verge of finishing up my last 2015 newsletter (I am the corresponding secretary) and gearing up for Founders Day next month. I can't believe that my sorority will be 103 years old next month. As I am typing this post, I am looking my beautiful Christmas Tree, and I am sad that in two days I will be taking it down.
Now that the old year is winding down and the new year is heading our way rather quickly, you know what that means right???? RUSH! INFORMATIONAL! NEW MEMBERSHIPS! INVITATIONS! NERVES! SPRING 2016 INITIATES! I am sure are anxiously waiting for that special flier to be put up at your campus/college/university/community so you can attend. For those of you preparing to go through membership intake training, I want to wish you all the best in your journey. Hopefully, this blog was able to help guide you in some way. If you can cross those "burning sands" and you have followed me on my blog, I would appreciate that you either leave a comment or send me an email. I've been known for sending "gifts" to those who I have established a close e-relationship.
Until 2016,
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Happy Kwanzaa
Happy Holidays
Ciao for now,
Friday, December 18, 2015
Rest Well Soror Bonita Jackson-Butler
Many years ago as I was searching the world wide web, I came across this website called the "DeltaNet." I will NEVER forget it; I was in my mom's basement, and I spent HOURS on this site. It was the only Delta Sigma Theta website that was out there on the world wide web. The creator of this website was Bonita Jackson, also affectionately known as Bee Jae. The website had several topics including "How to become a Delta," Do’s and Don’ts in Greekdom, her experience, and her journey into Delta-Land, etc. It was filled with a ton of Delta/Greek information, and a prospective’s member’s dream. The only other information that was available for people who wanted to join the organization was “In Search Of Sisterhood by Paula Giddings, so finding this on the internet was amazing. I remember bookmarking the website because I just KNEW I would be back to visit. She had a section for “members only,” and I couldn’t WAIT to become a Delta to join the sorors’ only section.
Then it happened! April of 2000, I finally became a Delta, and one of the first things I did was sign up on her site. I was so excited that I finally gained access to meet so many other sorors across the globe who were also members. Two months later I had the opportunity to attend my very first Delta Convention. Bee Jae was selling “DeltaNet” T-Shirts for sorors to wear and she had a special request that if we bought a shirt, she wanted us to wear it to the step show. I bought my shirt and wore it proudly to my very first Delta National Step Show in Chicago, IL. I still have that shirt tucked away in my Delta cedar chest. Before the convention was over, I was finally able to meet her. I told her how I was very grateful for her website and how I learned a lot from the site.
Soror Bonita Jackson-Butler was a straight-forward type person who would tell it like it is. I have always admired her for that. There were so many conversations I had with her through email during my first few years of being a Delta. I was like a sponge and was soaking up her Delta knowledge. “There is no “S” at the end of National Baby soror; You can’t do this baby soror, Let me show the correct way to do that baby soror, etc. She always referred to me as “baby soror.”
Not only was I a member of the DeltaNet, but I was also a part of her DeltaNet group on yahoo groups, an active member of her group entitled “My Sorors Place” on Delphi forums, and we were members of many other Delta only type sites.
BeeJae was my inspiration for starting this website. Back then DeltaNet was the ONLY Black Greek Letter Organization that had a website. I met so many sorors on her website before and after I became a Delta. In my first post, "My journey to DeltaLand" I spoke about a soror who I met through her website when I a six months before me becoming a member. We became very close, and she gave me the courage that I needed to get over my shyness. The first time I physically laid eyes on here was at my wedding. This couldn't have happened if it was not for this beautiful website, DeltaNet, created by Soror Jackson-Butler.
On December 18th, I found out that Bee Jae passed on. I am sad. I will always remember her for love she has shown me, the knowledge she gave me, and I will miss her calling me baby soror. (Even though she hasn’t called me that in YEARS). Although I haven’t logged on to DeltaNet in a few years, I logged on tonight. You see I am still a member of the website. Logging on brought back so many memories of when I first logged on, when I first signed up, buying my DeltaNet T-Shirt, and reading her many posts about Greek life in general. Although she hasn't updated the website within the last year or so, I am sad to know that it will never be updated again.
Rest Peacefully Soror! You will be missed!
Monday, December 7, 2015
My Delta Treasures/TIG:MIR
So two summers ago, my beloved sorority, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc Celebrated a milestone! We turned 100 years old, and we celebrated HARD! From the Rose Bowl Parade, the Hollywood Gala, receiving footage on the "Today's Show", A Torch Ceremony across SEVERAL states, getting a street named after us, etc. I was fortunate enough to witness MOST of the celebrations. I had planned for this for the past five years, and I told my hubby I wanted to be a part of this milestone. He was able to experience the joy of seeing his fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha, turn 100 years old, and wanted me to experience it as well. I was beyond excited.
I know several sorors have asked me about my "Delta Treasures. " Delta treasures are Delta paraphernalia that I purchased while celebrating in Washington DC and I posted my treasures in a previous blog post. When I get a chance, I promise to dig through my Delta Centennial Bag to see if I can find their business cards. (It's stored in my garage). At any rate, I wanted to dedicate this post to a soror who made some BEAUTIFUL items to sell to us during National Convention. Her company's name is Tig:Mir Fashion Forward Greek Apparel and her name is Cassandra Johnson. Her items are BEAUTIFUL, EXQISIT, and ONE OF A KIND. I was kicking myself horribly when I found out her items were being sold at the Renaissance Hotel in DC. (There were three Major places where you could buy Delta Paraphernalia; Howard University, The Convention Hall, and the Renaissance Hotel). I went to Howard and the Convention Hall but never got a chance to shop at the hotel. At any rate, on the last day of the convention, I saw sorors rocking items that I have never seen before. When I inquired about the merchandise, I was TOO LATE! She was completely SOLD OUT. I asked her if she had any items left and she said she made them in small quantities so that sorors could feel special about them. I wanted to CRY! She did inform me that she had just a couple of items left back in her hometown so I quickly got her card and made a point to connect with her after the convention.
I connected with her when I later got home and bought EVERYTHING she had available in my size. (Thankfully she had some items still available that she left at home.
Check out her "One of a Kind" Greek Paraphernalia:
Me rocking one of her items in South Korea. I received a ton of compliments.
All of the items that I have listed here are the items that I was able to purchase. I can't even tell you which one is my favorite because I love it all. It was like Christmas/My Neophyte all over again. I am beyond HAPPY!!!!! She sells other Greek items as well in case you are interested. She came out with new items last summer. They made their debut at National Convention in Houston. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the convention. However, I contacted her and made a huge purchase. I will blog about my new items in another post.
Check her out at TIG: MIR
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