So I decided to sum up the rest of my time during the centennial. There is so much to mention during these days, and nights, as they all seemed like a blur. I will say it was WONDERFUL attending the Social Action Luncheon especially since the entire verdict of Trayvon Martin. Over the next few days, we had some incredible prominent speakers who address the Delta Body. Speakers such as Hilary Clinton, Bernice King, Attorney General Eric Holder, and many others. They made me feel PROUD of being a member of the best sorority in the world.
I felt bad about neglecting my husband, so I cleared one day for just him and me! We went to see the Lincoln Memorial, the Martin Luther King Memorial, the White House, and everything in DC. It was wonderful, and I had a blast with him. I LOVED the fact that he was able to take a picture in front of his FRAT Memorial, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The only downfall was it was HOT, and by hot I mean HOTTER THAN I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED (and I am in Phoenix). I had to sit down a few times from not passing out.
As the convention was winding down, reality set it that my ships/neos were going to go back to their "normal" lives and fly home. (Michigan, St. Louis, Illinois). I realized that I had to find time to spend with them. After taking care of "Delta Business," we ended up going to Howard University to shop, visit, and take pictures at the "Famous" Delta Tree, and Fortitude. We met up with our Neos and had a blast! There was a whole sea of "red" taking pictures everywhere! We laughed, cried, shopped, and we made a ton of connections with other sorors.
Overall the weather in DC was hot. I had to stand in line for almost FOUR hours to get inside of our National Headquarters. It was worth the wait, but as I stated before, I was tired, and drenched in sweat, and there were times I had to sit down from feeling like I was going to faint.
I don't think I got any rest this entire trip, and thankfully since I am a school teacher I was okay with that. (Thank GOD for summers) I think I was living off of an average of 3 hours of sleep every day.
On the last day, I was sorrowful about leaving, but at the same time, I couldn't WAIT to get back home into my own bed! It has been an excellent time/journey with my sorors, and I applaud the EXEC board and everyone involved for doing a fantastic job and making this a memorable convention.
Here are a few pictures to recap my last few days in DC.
Me and My Beautiful Ships
My Ships and a small portion of our Neos. (DS 9MM and DS. 21-Derful F.O.R.C.E.S.)
DS. 9 MM
A small portion of my undergraduate chapter!
NICE A Phi A Plaque at Howard
My lovely Husband representing his Phrat
Me and My Boo!!!!
So Proud of this,,,,They named a street after us! HOW COOL!!!!
Me in front of NHQ!
The FOUR hour long line to get into National HQ
I had to represent my SAI (Sigma Alpha Iota) At Howard
It's been a blast, See ya in Houston Sorors!!!!!